In what way should you be able to explain why you want to be paid the slary you ask for??
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To pytanie jest niejasne.
"In what way" znaczy "jakim sposobem"
"should you be able to explain" "powinnas byc w stanie wytlumaczyc"
"why you want to be paid the salary you ask for" "dlaczego chcesz dostac taka pensje, o ktora prosisz"
Moge odpowiedziec na druga czesc:
Explain why you want to be paid the salary you ask for:
I would like the salary that I ask for the following reasons.
1) I have good education: I have studied hard at school and learned the skills that I need for this job.
2) I have the right personality: I am friendly, hard-working, punctual, and detail-oriented.
3) I have experience: I have already worked in this field. I have already had other jobs where I had to do the same thing. I can use that knowledge in this job.
4) This is a competitive salary in this field: Other companies pay this salary for the same kind of job.