odpowiedz po angielsku w kilku zdaniach:
1. What present would you like to get for your birthday?
2. Do you like helping other people? Why/Why not?
3. Is going to the circus a good idea or not? Why do you think so?
4. What was the most unbelievable adventure you have ever had?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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tu będzie przetłumaczone z angielskiego na polski
1. Co obecny chcesz dostać na urodziny?
2. Czy lubisz pomagać innym? Dlaczego / Dlaczego nie?
3. Idzie do cyrku dobry pomysł, czy nie? Dlaczego tak uważasz?
4. Co było najbardziej niewiarygodne przygody kiedykolwiek miał?
1)for my birthday I wanted to get a lot of sweets new bike and a new phone.
2)I really like to help others because I know they need my help. I know that if I helped people will perceive me as a good and kind person.
3)I think going to the circus is a good idea because there is always something funny and moji friends will have a great time.
4)the most incredible adventure we had was my birthday because I did not know about them.
To 4 nie jestem pewna ale raczej dobrze :D