Uzupelnij zdania 1-5 , wykorzystujac podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie . Nie nalezy zmieniac kolejnosci podanych wyrazow , trzeba natomiast dodac wszystkie niezbedne elementy , aby otrzymac logicznie i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. W kazdym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementow. Wymagana jest pelna poprawnosc ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentow.
1. I have never (have/horrible) __________ flight in my whole life !
2. First , we ( can/not/find) ____________ terminal building and almost missed the check-in.
3. At the check-in desk, I realized I (left) _________ camera at home.
4.My carry-on backpack turned out (be/big) _________ to take on board with me.
5.While we (wait/in) __________ departure lounge , they suddenly announced a two-hour delay
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. had such a horrible
2. couldn't find
3. have left
4. too big
5. was waiting in
1. had horrible
2. coulnd't find
3. have left
4. too big
5. was waiting in