THE SAD GHOSTS My parrents bought a hause in Scotland and, one day, I saw two ghosts ! I was in my bedroom I saw them. First, saw a ma. He was standing next to the window. Then I saw a woman. She was sitting on the bed. They were very sad, so it was scary. I spoke to them, but they didn't speak to me. After that, they disappeared and I didn't see them again. The next day, I read a story at the library. Many years ago, a family lived in our hause. The parents died and their daughter stayed in the hause with her aunt. I often see the sad ghosts, but I'm never frightened. I know that they're looking for their dought.
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Wiara w duchy jest bardzo starym i powszechnym zjawiskiem. Już rzymski pisarz i polityk Pliniusz Młodszy, zmarły około 113 roku n.e., donosi o upiornej postaci, która zakuta w łańcuchy wędrowała po domu, a następnie znikła w podłodze. Kiedy później rozkopano to miejsce, znaleziono zakuty w łańcuchy szkielet.Wiara w duchy jest ściśle związana z przekonaniem, że człowiek żyje nadal po śmierci w jakiejś innej postaci- jeśli nie cielesnej, to choćby jego dusza, kumulująca jego myśli i odczucia, jego pragnienia i nadzieje. Wiara ta jest bardzo stara i można ją odnaleźć w wielu religiach. Również religia chrześcijańska naucza, że dusze po śmierci idą do nieba, piekła lub czyśćca. Stąd blisko już do myśli, że dusze zmarłych nie docierają do swego celu, lecz zatrzymują się na pewien czas gdzieś "pomiędzy", to znaczy w zaświatach.W Anglii spotkanie z duchem nie jest niczym niezwykłym. Akurat Wyspy Brytyjskie, a więc Anglia, Szkocja i Irlandia słyną z licznych zamków, w których straszy, i nawiedzanych przez duchy domów.
Belief in spirits is very old and widespread. Already the Roman writer Pliny the Younger and politician, who died about 113 AD, reported a ghostly figure who zakuta in chains wandered around the house, and then disappeared into the floor. When I later dug up the place, found in a mutton-headed szkielet.Wiara chains in ghosts is closely connected with the belief that man lives on after death in some other form, if not physical, that even his soul, accumulating his thoughts and feelings, his desires and hopes. This belief is very old and can be found in many religions. Also, the Christian religion teaches that after death souls go to heaven, hell or purgatory. Hence, already close to the idea that the souls of the dead did not reach its goal, but stop at some time somewhere "in between", ie zaświatach.W encounter with the spirit of England is not unusual. Just the British Isles, and so England, Scotland and Ireland is famous for the numerous castles, which haunted and haunted by the ghosts of houses.
My parrents bought a hause in Scotland and, one day, I saw two ghosts !
I was in my bedroom I saw them. First, saw a ma. He was standing next to the window. Then I saw a woman. She was sitting on the bed. They were very sad, so it was scary. I spoke to them, but they didn't speak to me. After that, they disappeared and I didn't see them again. The next day, I read a story at the library. Many years ago, a family lived in our hause. The parents died and their daughter stayed in the hause with her aunt. I often see the sad ghosts, but I'm never frightened. I know that they're looking for their dought.
Jest to z podręcznika :) więc powinna wpaść pozytywna ocenka :)
Stąd blisko już do myśli, że dusze zmarłych nie docierają do swego celu, lecz zatrzymują się na pewien czas gdzieś "pomiędzy", to znaczy w zaświatach.W Anglii spotkanie z duchem nie jest niczym niezwykłym. Akurat Wyspy Brytyjskie, a więc Anglia, Szkocja i Irlandia słyną z licznych zamków, w których straszy, i nawiedzanych przez duchy domów.
Belief in spirits is very old and widespread. Already the Roman writer Pliny the Younger and politician, who died about 113 AD, reported a ghostly figure who zakuta in chains wandered around the house, and then disappeared into the floor. When I later dug up the place, found in a mutton-headed szkielet.Wiara chains in ghosts is closely connected with the belief that man lives on after death in some other form, if not physical, that even his soul, accumulating his thoughts and feelings, his desires and hopes. This belief is very old and can be found in many religions. Also, the Christian religion teaches that after death souls go to heaven, hell or purgatory.
Hence, already close to the idea that the souls of the dead did not reach its goal, but stop at some time somewhere "in between", ie zaświatach.W encounter with the spirit of England is not unusual. Just the British Isles, and so England, Scotland and Ireland is famous for the numerous castles, which haunted and haunted by the ghosts of houses.
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