Potrzebuję, by ktoś napisał mi referencje (character reference). Dajmy na to że mój kolega jest programistą, programuje w .NET, jest bardzo pracowity i sumienny i nie wiem co tam sobie jeszcze wymyślicie, nie jest obojętny na rozwój nauki, whatever.
Treść polecenia, proszę się głównie jej trzymać, to wyżej to tylko jakaś sugestia: Your friend would like to apply for this scholarship and has asked you to write his/her character reference.
The Wisbech Trust offers a one-year scholarship for a suitable person to study in an English-speaking country. The grant covers study costs, travel and living expenses. Candidates should be academically able, interested in the chosen country, and be prepared to work as part of a team on an area of research decided by the university.
Write character reference in 220-260 words.
A i jeszcze jedno: to ma być napisane językiem formalnych, czyli żadnych skrótów i "murzyńskich" słówek oraz bardzo potocznego słownictwa, zalecane zaawansowane struktury gramatyczne oraz wyrafinowane słownictwo.
My friend asked me to write a reference for him so that he could attend a scholarship.
Firstly, let me assure you that he is one, if not the most, productive person I have ever known throughout my school years. Arkadiusz is committed, and will put 100% into any thing he does, and after he finishes it, he will check it about four times. Take my word for it, he is very academically able, and from what I remember, in high school he received his functional skill certificate two years before everyone, which set the standard for our school. Apart from these rather technical advantages, he is also an amazing friend. Whenever I need to talk to him, I can rely on him to come within half an hour. I can assure you that he is an amazing person to work with, and that he makes the most of every opportunity given to him. He will bring joy and positive energy to a work and study environment, and his bubbly yet professional personality will motivate everyone to work harder to achieve even more. In my opinion, he has one flaw; he is too committed and hard-working. If he starts a project, he will not stop working until it is finished to a highest standard.
To conscience my ideas, I am sure that Arkadiusz is just the person you are looking for, and you shall not be dissapointed with him. For any more information contact me on my mobile (jakis numer telefonu) or my email (adres email jakis).
c*** 499 punktow
Dear (imie odbiorcy),
My friend asked me to write a reference for him so that he could attend a scholarship.
Firstly, let me assure you that he is one, if not the most, productive person I have ever known throughout my school years. Arkadiusz is committed, and will put 100% into any thing he does, and after he finishes it, he will check it about four times.
Take my word for it, he is very academically able, and from what I remember, in high school he received his functional skill certificate two years before everyone, which set the standard for our school.
Apart from these rather technical advantages, he is also an amazing friend. Whenever I need to talk to him, I can rely on him to come within half an hour. I can assure you that he is an amazing person to work with, and that he makes the most of every opportunity given to him. He will bring joy and positive energy to a work and study environment, and his bubbly yet professional personality will motivate everyone to work harder to achieve even more.
In my opinion, he has one flaw; he is too committed and hard-working. If he starts a project, he will not stop working until it is finished to a highest standard.
To conscience my ideas, I am sure that Arkadiusz is just the person you are looking for, and you shall not be dissapointed with him. For any more information contact me on my mobile (jakis numer telefonu) or my email (adres email jakis).
(jakies imie)