September 2018 2 27 Report

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Potrzebuje tłumaczenie tekstu z angielskiego na polski, tylko proszę nie tłumaczyć tego tekstu przez tłumaczy. i rozwiązać zadania i napisać w którym paragrafie ta odpowiedz się znajduję. tekst:The Find of the Century.Near the town of Montignac is Southern France there are some of the most extraordinary paintings in the world- the Lascaux cave paintings . In september 1940 four teenage boys and a dog called Robot were playing in the woods when they found a recent hole beneath a tree and decided to explore. They couldn`t se very much , so they returned with a light. When they entred the first cave they couldn`t believe their eyes . Its walls were covered with paintings of ancient animals from 16,000 years ago. It was the find of the century. It contains more than 2,000 images painted by prehistoric man.The most popular subject of the paintings is horses, but there are also prehistoric cats, bison are even a rhinoceros. Many of these creatures are now extinct. Some of the pictures showed men hunting them for food. Undoubtedly, the most striking images are those of four bulls. In the Great Hall of the Bulls there are four black bulls. One of them is over five meters long- the biggest animal ever discovered in cave art so far. It is not clear who painted them, although some people think that a 'shaman' - a sort of priest and magician- did the work. Maybe he painted them to bring them luck with the hurt. Some of the paintings are extremely skilful and techniques that weren`t used again unit the Renaissance.After the Second World War , the cave became an enormous tourist attraction, with a thousand people visiting the cave each day. Unfortunately, the carbon dioxide from visitors' breath damaged the paintings so badly that in 1963 they had to close the cave to the public. Experts have managed to restore the pictures to their original state but they have to check them constantly because of environmental dangers, The most recent threat is from a fungus. this may be due to the air-conditioning in the cave. only individual scietists can enter the cave on rare occasions. however , even if we can`t see the thing, we can visit a replica of two of the caves and their paintings just 200 meters away. Lascaux II opered in 1983 and receives many thousands of visitors without risking the precious originals. Obviously it is not the same as visiting the originals , but it gives us a very good idea of what the paintings are like and their setting.Pytania:1. The bous noticed a new hole in the ground True False2. At first there wasn`t enough light to see properly true false3. Some types of animals in the paintings are no long alive true false4.Scientists and historians have indentified the main artist true false5. A number of the paintings are techbically advanced true false6.the atmosphere outside the caves causes the first damage to the caves true false7. Scientists have completely established the reason for the fungus true false 8. Very few people now enter Lascaux I true false9. Lascaux II reproduces all of the caves true false10. Lascaux II cannot reproduce the experience of going to Lascaux I True False
Potrzebuje tłumaczenie tekstu jak się go czyta i z angielskiego na polski, tylko proszę nie tłumaczyć tego tekstu przez tłumaczy..Leonardo was born in 1452 in the mall village of Vinci in Italy. His grandparents brought him up, but then he went to live with his father. From an early age he showed an extaordinary talent for music and mathematics. The boy`s father recogniced his son`s remarkable artistic abilities and arranged for him to become an apprentice in the studio of Verrocchio a famous artist. One story says that after the master and apprentice worked together on a painting the older man , recognising the youth`s superiorabilities never picked up a paintbrush again .In those days, Italy was a collection of independent city states and artists depended on finding a rich and powerful patron . Leonardo travelled a lot during his lifetime. The Duke of Milan was a good master and appreciated his talents but after his fall Leonardo wasn`t able to stay in Milan because is was too dengerous . He returned to Florence where he met his great rival Michelangelo. Even though they shared much in common they couldn`t stand each other. Later on he worked for the Pope in Rome He spent the last few years of his life in France at the court of Francis I. The young king loved and respected Leonardo . According to legend the artist died in the monarch`s arms.As well as being an artist, Leonardo was a mathematician, an engineer an architect and an inventor . He was also interested in human anatomy and botany and fascinated by flight. He loved birds so much that he often bought them just so he could set them free. He also had other peculiar talents- he could write or paint equally well with either hand and he was able to write in mirror- writing as naturally as ordinary writing. Unusually for the age he was also a vegetarian.Nowadays we remember him as one of the greatest painters who ever lived . Yet compared with other artists he did not produce a lot of work. His reputation rests on masterpieces such as his Last Supper and the Mona Lisa as well as lesser-known works such as Lady with an Ermine and Vitruvian Man. In addition he produced many thousands of other sketches including desins for a tank and various flying machines. many of them were ahead of their time. The technology to turn the geniou`s dreams into reality simply did not exist. One of his designs for a long bridge was successfully used hundreds of years later.

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