August 2018 1 24 Report
Tak więc mam dwa zadania, i prosiłabym o oba rozwiązania
:D Jedno jest trudniejsze a drugie prostsze (tylko że mi i tak nie wychodzi)
Zadanie 1:
Drogę z miejscowości A do miejscowości B przejechał ze śr. prędkością 20km/h, a drogę z miejscowości B do C z prędkością 10 km/h. Czas drogi A do C wynosi 3,5h.
Gdyby drogę z A do B rowerzysta przyjechał z prędkością 10km/h, a drogę z B do C z 20 km/h to podróż trwałaby 4h. Jak daleko jest z A do C.

A zadanie 2
Jeżeli długość pewnego prostokąta zwiększymy o 3cm, a szerokość zmniejszymy o2cm to jego pole zmniejszy sie o 2cm2. Jeśli długość zmniejszymy o 1cm, a szerokość zwiększymy o 3cm to pole wzrośnie o 19 cm2. Jakie wymiary ma prostokąt.
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Proszę o POPRAWNE rozwiązanie zadania :D3 Complete the text with have, had or has.Another storytellerBill Bryson is a fantastic writer. Most of his books are about travelling. He (1) _____ written books likeThe Lost Continent and Notes from a Small Island as well as many others. I have read a lot of his books, and I (2) _____ always found myself crying, but crying with laughter – they are so funny.Bryson was born in the USA and lived there all his childhood. He decided to go back-packing round Europe after he (3) _________ graduated. He fell in love with the UK, and went to live and work there after he(4) _____ met and married his English wife. Bryson and his family eventually went back to the USA and stayed for18 years, until returning to the UK in 1995. He (5) _____ already written a few books, and with his writing experience he soon found a job in journalism. He stayed in the UK for eight years then went back to the States again. He and his wife returned to the UK in 2003 and they (6) _____ lived there since then.Bryson’s travel books are based on his own funny experiences as he wandered around new countries, getting to know them and their people. But he (7) _____ not just written travel books. He (8) _____ written books on the English language and on science too. In his science book, A Short History of Nearly Everything, he manages to be scientific, accurate and funny too – not easy!Since 2005, Bryson (9) _____ been doing other things too: he’s been made the head of Durham University, an old university in the North of England. Talent and laughter (10) _____ been good friends to him throughout his life. He has made so many people laugh.

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