August 2018 1 28 Report

1. do 0,5 kg czteroprocentowego roztworu soli dolano 15 dag wody, a następnie dosypano 5 dag soli. Ilu procentowy roztwór otrzymasz w wyniku zmian?

2. ile g etanolu i ile g wody wzięto do wyrobu 500 g 40% roztworu alkoholu etylowego.?.

3. w prostopadłościennym naczyniu znajdowało sie 0,3l wody. po wrzuceniu metalowej kulki (została przykryta całkowicie wodą) poziom wody podniósł sie o 12%. Ile wynosi promień wrzuconej kulki? podaj dokładny wynik.

dziękuje za rozwiązanie zadania.. troche w tym chemi a troche maty ;/
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Proszę o sprawdzenie i napisanie uwag.. jak można by było to napisać... Dziękuje Advantages and disadvantages of living underground It is untypical and rare among the people. Unusual we saw this home. Maybe you decided on it? The most important of earth-sheltered home advantages is reducing of bills and protect (our) planet. The people should replace unhealthy for environment electricity energy on thrifty solar energy. During summer is cold, on the other hand in winter is warm. This home is resistant and durable. It will last a good 500 years. The environment is need for such places, because it is improvement for life on earth. Moreover, the home underground is good place, which is isolation from noise. Such home is secure silence and calm. It should be shelter from city tumult. The many people is need for relaxation and rest. As a result, the living underground is compatible with nature and humans.It is saving space on earth and inside is very airy and impressive. On the other hand, the main drawback of the home underground is lack approval among society The views of life underground are sceptical, because it is not popular on the world. Many people no acceptable untypical places. In addition the earth-sheltered homes are very expensive and construction impossible in some area in the world. The building cost is higher. because such home is need for special tools and building material. Another negative effect is dampness, when is appearing on the wall.It maybe cause sanitary problems or bad mood. All things considered it seems that the living underground is perfect place of life (?) but no always is proper for everybody. I think that the earth- sheltered home is fantastic experience, because it is rare apear in my country.

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