Wyobraź sobie że wygrałaś/eś niezłą sumkę na loterii. Przystępujesz do projektu w którym pomożesz bezdomnym psiakom. Odpowiedz :
a) czyprojekt jest konieczny? dlaczego?
b) czy to jesttanielubdrogie?
c) kto będzie pomagał ci przy projekcie?
d) gdzie zrobisz projekt?
Dam najlepszą !
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Today I want to tell you what I am going to do with money that I've won the other day on the lottery. My idea was to help dogs. I think it's really good idea and I think I really should do it. Lots of people left their dogs, when they are older, becouse some people only want a puppy! They think puppys are cute and they don't need that much care, but when puppys are starting to be adults, some people start to think:
" Oh, I don't want dog that is that big! I don't need it any more." so they're just going to forest and leave their dog near the road to die, hoping that somebody will take care of it! I think it's just horrible! Of course there is some organisations that are helping them, but they not always have eunough money to feed them all. I've won 30.000 pounds, and my friends my famili and I are going to send all this money to chosen charity. This charity project is not that expensive. Our chosen charity is ( tu wpisz nazwe organizacji ktorej bedziesz chciala przelac kase ;) ) and it's located in ( miasto gdzie ta organizacja dziala). We are proud that we can help them, helping puppies and I'm glad that someone wants to help them.
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