E-mail do kolegi z Nowej Zelandii w którym opowiesz o : - waszych przygotowaniach do świąt wielkanocnych i z czym macie największy problem - jakie czynności i przygotowania już zakończyliście i co zamierzacie jeszcze kupić -opisz zwyczaj przygotowania i święcenia w kościele -wyraź nadzieję, że nie zostaniesz za bardzo polany wodą w lany poniedziałek i zapytaj kolegę czy ma jakieś zwyczaje 130 słów !!
Hello Tyler! I'm sorry that I was silent for a long time, but I'm very busy at the moment! I hope you're alright? As you may know, Easter is coming, and I have many things to do. Mom told me, that if I won't clean my room, she will take my laptop away. I was furious, but then I realised, that my room really needs to be tidied. Now I'm done with my room, but there are still many things to do. Tommorow we will go shopping. We need to buy some ingredients for Easter cake, that my mom is going to do. I'm going to take it to church the other day. I'm not really keen on doing it, the priest is always making me wet with holy water! Also, I can't wait for Monday, I hope my friends will make me really wet this day. I was wondering, how do you spend Easter in Australia? Let me know soon, I'm really curious. Anyway, I need to go, I'm really tired. Hope to hear from you soon! Lots of love, xyz
Nie wiem, czy jest 130 słów, musisz sobie policzyć i wyrzucić jakieś niepotrzebne zdanie/dodać coś. Pozdrawiam :)
I'm sorry that I was silent for a long time, but I'm very busy at the moment! I hope you're alright? As you may know, Easter is coming, and I have many things to do. Mom told me, that if I won't clean my room, she will take my laptop away. I was furious, but then I realised, that my room really needs to be tidied. Now I'm done with my room, but there are still many things to do. Tommorow we will go shopping. We need to buy some ingredients for Easter cake, that my mom is going to do. I'm going to take it to church the other day. I'm not really keen on doing it, the priest is always making me wet with holy water! Also, I can't wait for Monday, I hope my friends will make me really wet this day. I was wondering, how do you spend Easter in Australia? Let me know soon, I'm really curious. Anyway, I need to go, I'm really tired. Hope to hear from you soon!
Lots of love,
Nie wiem, czy jest 130 słów, musisz sobie policzyć i wyrzucić jakieś niepotrzebne zdanie/dodać coś. Pozdrawiam :)