Napisz kartke pamiętnika rozibitak na bezludnej wyspie <jak byś tam był> w niej odpowiedz i omów podane pytania: 1. What's the island like ? 2. How long have you been here? 3. How did you get here? 4. What have you done today? 5. What's the worst thing about being on the island? 6. What are your plans for the future?
oczywiście ta kartka z pamięntnika ma być po angielsku prosze o jak najszybszą odpowiedź potrzebne jest mi to na jutro. ;/ dzieki z góry daje naj. :**
kasia101996 I`m alone on a beautiful, tropical island. It`s a very small but nice island. There are only trees and a small hill. I have been there for 2 days. I was travelling on a ship when suddenly a tornado appeared and all my friends died. Today I have been walking around my island and crying. The worst thing is that I have nothing to eat! I don`t know what to do now. Maybe I will try to swim?
I`m alone on a beautiful, tropical island. It`s a very small but nice island. There are only trees and a small hill. I have been there for 2 days. I was travelling on a ship when suddenly a tornado appeared and all my friends died. Today I have been walking around my island and crying. The worst thing is that I have nothing to eat! I don`t know what to do now. Maybe I will try to swim?