September 2018 1 36 Report

Daje NAJ !!!!!!!!1

Complete each sentence with a compound word made from two words from the list. Słówka: air, alarm, birthday, central, clock,conditioning, heating, machine, party, report, school, stick, walking, washing.

a) Old Mr Low has a bad leg and always leans on his ........-........

b) David's teachers wrote lots of good things in his .......-........

c) As soon as the .......-......... rings, I jump out of bed.

d) When it's hot, I turn on the ........ -......... and it cools the room.

e) Julia invited all her friends from school to her .......-.......

f) This house has .......-......... and there is a radiator in every room.

g) If you have any dirty clothes, just put them in the .......-........

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DAM NAJ !!!!!zadanie 1Połącz zdania z literami od a) do e) z liczbami od 1) do 5).a) At the and of the evening I thanked our host.b) I'm sure that Mary will be a wonderful bride.c) Next week I'm going to stay with my grandparents.d) I've always got on well with my sister- in- law.e) Georgina is the ideal guest.1) I was happy that he had invited me to his party.2) She always offers to help in the house when she stays with us.3) We both work in the same department at the bank.4) They are both in their seventies, but they live a very full life.5) She's a dressmaker, and has desingned her own wedding dress.zadanie 2Połącz zdanie które mają podobne znaczeniea)They didn't think it was safe.b) They asked her to come next week instead.c) They argued with her.d) They were injured.e) They didn't know where they were going.f) They asked someone to tell them the way.g) They've cancelled their party.h) They asked for directions.i) They had a row with her.j) They were hurt.k) They put her off for a week.l) They felt it was dangerous.m) Their party is off.n) They'd lost their way.zadanie 3Wybierz najlepsze rozwiazanie od 1) do 10) do kazdego zdania od a) do j).a) After a few minutes a fire ....b) It was believed that someone set ......c) Luckily Paul carried a fire .....d) The fire was started by a .....e) Metal melted from the intense ......f) The wooden hut was burnt to......g) In seconds the building burst ......1) fire accidentally.2) a heap of ashes3) heat inside the burning car.4) spark from a passing train.5) - extinguisher in his car.6) fire to the house deliberately.7) engine arrived at the blaze

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