November 2018 1 35 Report

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Australians, New Zelanders and South Africans sound similar. So how can we tell them apart? Australians are known for their informality, which shows itself in their treatment of vocabulary. They sorten words then add -o and -ie to them, so barbecue become barbie, sunglasses and afternoon arvo. Australian English also sounds more like Cockney - the London accent - as that is where many of the original settlers came from. Another feature of Australian Engish is rising intonation at the end of statements. This makes them sounds like questions. Telling a New Zeland accent from an Australian one is difficult. One way is to use the "fish and chips" and "bacon and eggs test"! Someone with a strong New Zeland accent will say "fush and chups" and "bacon and iggs" South Africa has 11 official languages, and only one person in ten speaks English as their mother tongue.

a) Why do Australians, New Zelanders and South Africans sound so similar?

b) How do Australians make the vocabulary the use sound more informal?

c) What accent did many of the early settlers in Australia have?

d) What does the "fish and chips" and "bacon and eggs" test help us do?

e) What is special about Australian intonation?

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India is a land of many languages, but Hindi and English are used across the country. Whether people speak English as a first, second or even third language depends on their social class. There are two important differences in grammar: Firstly, Indian speakers use the present continuous instead of the present simple, for example, I am understanding you. Secondly, the question tag isn't it? is used in all situations, for example She lives in Delhi, isn't it? rather than doesn't she? Of course, some people don't like using English because it reminds them that India is an ex-British colony. Even so English words are entering Hindi, which has led to the development of "Hindish" a mixture of hindi grammar and English words. So are you hungry? in Hindish becomes Hungry kya? This upsets Hindi speakers who don't want to see their languages "polluted" by English and English speakers who don't like their language treated in this way.

People speak English in many parts of the Carribean because it was colonised by the British, who grew sugar there. Pronunciation is close to standard British English, but American English is having an influence too.

a) Why do people speak English there?

b) How do they feel about English?

c) Are there any important differences between standard English and the English that is spoken there?

d) What mixture of English and other languages exist?

e) Why can they make people upset?

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