Czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić czy napisałam poprawnie? POLECENIE: Odbyłaś ostatnio ciekawą podróż. Napisz wiadomość do zamieszczenia na Twojej stronie internetowej. W tekście: *podaj powód podróży *opisz niecodzienne wydarzenie, które miało miejsce w czasie podróży *napisz o zaletach i wadach środka transportu, którym podróżowałaś *napisz, dlaczego chciałabyś powtórzyć tą podróż.
Last month I had an amazing experience. I was at a picnic with my friends. We wanted to relax before our exams. The weather was gorgeous so we decided to go there by bikes. We wanted to go out of town, but unfortunately my bike has broken down on a suburbs. Boys tried to fix it, but they haven’t got enough equipment. I was so sad. I wanted to call my dad, but my mates said that we were in a beautiful place and we can stay here for our picnic. It has improved my mood. Generally after it we had a great time! I enjoy cycling, because I can improve my condition, but the only disadvantage is bikes are perishable. I would like to go there again, cause in spite of all there was a lot of laugh. Maybe you'd like to join me next year!
I was at a picnic with my friends. We wanted to relax before our exams.
The weather was gorgeous so we decided to go there by bikes. We wanted to go out of the town (1), but unfortunately my bike broke down in the (2) suburbs. The (3) boys tried to fix it, but they didn't have (4) enough equipment. I was so sad. I wanted to call my dad, but my mates said that we were in a beautiful place and we could (5) stay here for our picnic. It improved my mood. Generally after it we had a great time!
I enjoy cycling, because I can improve my condition, but the only disadvantage is that (6) bikes are perishable.
I would like to go there again, cause despite (7) all, there was a lot of laugh.
Maybe you'd like to join me next year!
(1) - konkretne miasto
(2) popsuł się na przedmieściach - in the suburbs
(3) konkretni chłopcy (twoi koledzy)
(4) oraz (5) wiemy kiedy, więc Past Simple
(6) drobne stylistyczne niedociągnięcie
(7) despite + rzeczownik/ in spite of + czasownik-ing
Last month I had an amazing experience.
I was at a picnic with my friends. We wanted to relax before our exams.
The weather was gorgeous so we decided to go there by bikes. We wanted to go out of the town (1), but unfortunately my bike broke down in the (2) suburbs. The (3) boys tried to fix it, but they didn't have (4) enough equipment. I was so sad. I wanted to call my dad, but my mates said that we were in a beautiful place and we could (5) stay here for our picnic. It improved my mood. Generally after it we had a great time!
I enjoy cycling, because I can improve my condition, but the only disadvantage is that (6) bikes are perishable.
I would like to go there again, cause despite (7) all, there was a lot of laugh.
Maybe you'd like to join me next year!
(1) - konkretne miasto
(2) popsuł się na przedmieściach - in the suburbs
(3) konkretni chłopcy (twoi koledzy)
(4) oraz (5) wiemy kiedy, więc Past Simple
(6) drobne stylistyczne niedociągnięcie
(7) despite + rzeczownik/ in spite of + czasownik-ing
Pozdrawiam :)