October 2018 1 140 Report

Complete the conversation with one word in each gap. The first letter of each word is given. (6 points)

A , but why does your advert say 'two bedroom house' when there's only one bedroom?
B Ah, yes. I wrote that by .m.......... The last owner used the living room as second bedroom.
AAnd is this a photo of the house? It. s....... very big for a two bedroom house.
BOh no, not that one. The house I'm selling is in the ,b......... behind the big, white house. You can just see the chimney and one window.
AAh, that one! I can't see it properly here.P .......you have another picture?
BB I'm sorry, but this is the only one we have. Would you like me to call the owner and ask him for another picture?
ANo, .n........ ..n............... It's too expensive for us anyway.

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