December 2018 0 18 Report
Complete each sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first
sentence. Include the word in bold.

1. Tony was playing the drums and Sandy was reading.

WHILE Sandy was reading
while Tony was playing the drums.

2. How long has it been since you finished school?

DID When ……….. school?

3. Jo hasn’t visited me for three weeks.

WAS The last time Jo ……… three weeks

4. It was years since Chris had been sailing.

NOT Chris ……… sailing for years.

5. I didn’t turn off the computer until after the game had uploaded.

BEFORE I had uploaded the game ……. The

6. He was hot and tried from digging in the garden all day.

BEEN He …….. in the garden all day;
that’s why he was hot and tried.

7. When did you move house?

AGO How ………… you move house?

8. She started working as soon as he left.

UNTIL She ……….. he had left.

9. How long has it been since they moved to Italy?

DID When ……… to Italy?

10. They didn’t go to bed until the film on TV had finished.

WHEN They ……….. the film on TV

11. I haven’t been to the gym for a week.

WENT The last …… to the gym was a
week ago.

12. He has been learning Dutch for six months.

STARTED He …………. ago.

13. On his way home, Roger met an old friend.

WALKING Roger ……….. he met an old

14. They started cleaning after all the guests had left.

UNTIL They ……… all the guests had

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