January 2019 1 78 Report
Zadanie 1.
Przeczytaj poniższe zdania. Uzupełnij pozostawione w nich luki, przekształcając wyrazy podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.

1. The regiment was moving forward to ...... the eastern flank. (STRONG)
2. Many young parents worry ......... about their children. (NECESSARY)
3. The level of noise became ...... and that's why I decided to change my flat. (TOLERATE)
4. Driving while drunk is considered a serious ........... in many countries. (OFFEND)
5. You ......... his language abilities - he didn't understand a single joke. (ESTIMATE)

Zadanie 2.
Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde z niedokończonych zdań tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego.

1. The customer wanted to complain about the faulty product but he didn't know who to run to. (WOULD)
If the customer............................... about the faulty product.

2. 'Did you have to experiment with a number of different materials?', he asked. (INQUIRED)
He........................... with a number of different materials.

3. While playing chess you musn't touch a piece if you are not planning to move it. (ALLOWED)
While playing chess you........................ if you are not planning to move it.

4. As he gets more mature, he becomes easier to bring up. (THE)
The................................................ to bring him up.

5. Could you talk us throught the main points of your lecture once more? (MIND)
Would.................................. the main points of youre lecture once more?
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Complete each sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. Include the word in bold.1. Jake has arranged to go to the ciemna tonight.GOING Jake is going to the cinema tonight.2. Victoria plans to be away from school tomorrow.NOT Victoria ……………………. At school tomorrow.3. She promises to visit her friends on Saturday.WILL She promises ……………………… friends on Saturday.4. The Browns plan to have a barbecue on Sunday.GOING The Browns ………………………. a barbecue on Sunday.5. She refuses to lend me her CD player.NOT She says she …………….. me her CD player.6. I promise I will be on time for the meeting tomorrow.NOT I promise I ………………… late for the meeting tomorrow.7. The horse race takes place tomorrow.IS The horse race ………….. place tomorrow.8. My Maths exam starts at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.TAKING At 9:30 tomorrow morning, …………… my Maths exam.9. I’ll finish doing my homework and then I’ll watch TV.SOON I’ll watch TV ……………….. doing my homework.10. I’ll post the letters before lunchtime.HAVE By lunchtime, ………………… the letters.11. She’ll start doing the housework when her son leaves for school.AS She’ll start doing the housework as ……….. for school.12. My intention is to study Art in Florence.AM I …………… Art in Florence.13. They expect him to finish the project within a week.WILL They expect that he ……………. Within a week.14. Tony plans to graduate next year.GOING Tony ………….. next year.

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