August 2018 1 118 Report
BARDZO PROSZE O PRZETŁUMACZENIE TEGO TEKSTU NA ANGIELSKI !!!!! NIE JEST ON TRUDNY 1. bally and ann are sisters.they are both <kiuite> tell and they've got dark hair and brown eyes . Physically they are very similar but their characters are different . Dally's really confident .she is always talking and joking and she does things <kuickly >. ann isnt very energetic. she is more serious and she does things calmly and slowly . she is happiest when she is sitting < kiuetly > reading a book . 2. they are like chalk and cheese says alice their mother. i think sally and i are similar . we are both <kiuetly> loud and extrovert. but ann has got her fathers character she is a bit shy and she doesent go out a lot .
3.sally and ann are different because they ' ve got a different mix of ganes . ganes influence our physical appearance and our personality . perhaps you ' ve got your mothers eyes and your grandfather 's terrible temperament . orperhaps you've got your father nose and your grandmothers fantastic character .
4. experts say that about 50 per cent of our personality comes from our genes . they other 50 per cent of our personality depends on our experiences . many different things influence us . our home life our chool our friends and the tv for example . all of us have different lives and all of us have different personalites.

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