Błagam o pomoc na dziś napisz ogłoszenie, że podczas pobytu w szkole językowej zgubiłam aparat fotograficzny: - napisz gdzie i kiedy go zgubiłaś -opisz wygląd aparatu podając dwie cechy charakterystyczne - dlaczego ci zależy na jego odzyskaniu - poinformuj jak się z tobą skontaktować
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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During staying at language school, I lost my camera. I lost it 2 days ago this year at language school on Lela St. It is big, green camera with huge light. I need to find it, because i am intereseted in photography and it will be huge lost for me. If you find it, you will call me at number 555880669
During staying at language school, I lost my camera. I lost it yesterday evening when I was in the class. The camera is red and small with black buttons. I really need this camera because I lent it from my older brother. You can send to me a message on my email: [email protected] or call to me on number: 007681876551. Thank you all!