zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź
1 I don't know anyone/ someone who likes extreme sports.
2 I can't find the right squash racket somewhere/ anywhere.
3 My parents know anything/ everything about skiing.
4I met someone/ anyone who was a real basketball fan
5I can't stand nothing / anything connected to sport.
6 Have you been anywhere/ everywhere nice this summer?
7 I don't know anyone/ no one who knows as much about Formula 1 as my dad
8 Someone/ Anyone must explain the rules of this game to me.
Proszę o przetłumaczenie na j.pol. :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1 I don't know anyone who likes extreme sports.
Nie znam nikogo kto lubi sporty extremalne.
2 I can't find the right squash racket anywhere.
Nigdzie nie mogę znaleźć mojej rakietki do squash'a.
3 My parents know everything about skiing.
Moi rodzice o jeździe na nartach wiedzą wszystko.
4 I met someone who was a real basketball fan.
Spotkałem kogoś kto był prawdziwym fanem koszykówki.
5 I can't stand anything connected to sport.
Nieznoszę niczego co ma związek ze sportem.
6 Have you been anywhere nice this summer?
Czy byłeś latem w jakimś fajnym miejscu ?
7 I don't know anyone who knows as much about Formula 1 as my dad
Nie znam nikogo kto wiedziałby o F1 tak d€żo jak mój tata.
8 Someone must explain the rules of this game to me.
Ktoś musi mi wyjaśnic zasady tej gry.