October 2018 1 36 Report


ułóż wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejności, tak aby powstały pytania. w każdym punkcie jedno słowo zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do pytania.

1.you / football / do / anyone / hates / know / somewhere / who?

2. to / you / keep / anything / do / you / nothing / do / fit?

3. have / you / someone / ever / a / professional / is / who / sportsman.sportswoman / met / everything?

4. you / summer / somewhere / go / would like / hot / this /to / everyone?


Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając no, some, any lub every.

1) .......body in my family likes football. We never watch it.

2) I didn't have to explain the rules because ...... one knows how to play.

3) ..... one who does athletics is called an athlete.

4) I didn't know ......body who can play snooker well.

5) I left my basketball kit ..... where in school.

6) ...... where I go people talk about the World Cup final.

7) I know ..... thing about chess. I'm not a fan of it.

8) ..... thing he does is connected to football.

9) I don't like ..... thing connected with sport.

+ proszę o przetłumaczenie na j. polski :)

Life Enjoy

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