Colocar 30 sustantivos 10 de preso as, 10 de lugares y 10 de cosas/animales Escribir 4 oraciones o más e ir las alargando lo más q se pueda. Con I have, I see, Italia want, Italia am with y con I am in. Todas son con I
Personas 1- Uncle 2- Grandfather 3- Artist 4- Guy 5- Son 6- Sister 7- Singer 8- Engineer 9- Scientific 10- Police Lugares: 1- House 2- Pool 3- Park 4- Bank 5- City 6- Beach 7- Mall 8- Kitchen 9- Store 10- College Cosas o Animales 1- Monkey 2- Pen 3- Elefant 4- Brick 5- Cocodrile 6- Chocolate 7- Shark 8- Book 9- Octupus 10- Flag Oraciones 1- I have much things that make, the homeworks, fix my room, to eat a lunch, etc...but today maybe alone see TV. 2- I see much contamination in the streets, we need thing about the matter and begin are take care with our trash that we throw in any place. 3-if I want to knew Italia, i me would like try the food of this country, and see the sites insurances famous. 4- I am some shy and quiet with my fiends and my fathers but I am very respectful with all.
1- Uncle
2- Grandfather
3- Artist
4- Guy
5- Son
6- Sister
7- Singer
8- Engineer
9- Scientific
10- Police
1- House
2- Pool
3- Park
4- Bank
5- City
6- Beach
7- Mall
8- Kitchen
9- Store
10- College
Cosas o Animales
1- Monkey
2- Pen
3- Elefant
4- Brick
5- Cocodrile
6- Chocolate
7- Shark
8- Book
9- Octupus
10- Flag
1- I have much things that make, the homeworks, fix my room, to eat a lunch, etc...but today maybe alone see TV.
2- I see much contamination in the streets, we need thing about the matter and begin are take care with our trash that we throw in any place.
3-if I want to knew Italia, i me would like try the food of this country, and see the sites insurances famous.
4- I am some shy and quiet with my fiends and my fathers but I am very respectful with all.
Espero q te sirva de algo.