Angielski POMOCY!!!!!!!!Potrzebne mi jest wypracowanie co jest najlepsze dla poszczególnych części ciała (np. dla mięśni witaminy dla mózgu-myślenia,-żelazo dla kości wapń coś w tym rodzaju)czyli tzw. zdrowotne może być i po polsku z góry dziękuje.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Around the eyesand eyelids
In theseareasthe skin isthinnest(toabout 0.5mm thick)and themost gentleand yethighlyinnervated.It hasfewsebaceous glands anda very thinbeddingfat.Waneswith ageinthecollagen fibersand hyaluronic acid, as a resultthe skin becomesflaccid, there arewrinkles(such ascrow's feet) andunder-eyeshadowsare visible, becausethethinskinblood vesselsbegin toshine through.Alsoa growingtendency tolymph stagnation, which appearswolleneyelidsmorning.
Advicefor you:Morningand evening,apply onthe eyelid andthe eyenourishing cream, such asvitamins, whichsmoothesand brightensskin.It may also beofplant extracts(such aschamomile,aloe,eyebright, cornflower) -are richin flavonoids, vitamins andminerals,have a soothing effect, improvemicrocirculationand preventopuchnięciom.Annotatepreparationgentlyfrom the outsideto the innercorners of the eyes,not vice versa.Take care ofcorrectdemakijaż- usegentlebeauty products thatpreciselyremovemakijaż, butdo not irritatethe delicate skinandconjunctiva.Toavoid the effect ofpodkrążonycheyes,sleep,spendtimeoutdoorsand wearsunglasses.
The skin of thefacehas a lot ofsebaceous and sweat glands.When theiractivityis low, theskinis dry,when yougive offa lotof tallow-not nicetoshine, appearontheblackheads, papulesandpustules.Some womenare visibleon the skin ofredspider- extended tosolidcapillaries (egdue toextreme temperatures:cold,heat).Skincan also besensitive,such aspoorlytoleratedthenthe usualtoiletries,reactstoospicy food, alcohol.The skinon your faceis agingfasterthan, say,on the body.The effectof continuoussystolic and diastolicis the formation offacialwrinkles.
Advicefor you:Morningand eveningafter thoroughcleansing,patthe creamin itmatchedto the type ofskin(hydrating,absorbsexcesssebum,theskincapillariesor sensitive).Useitwithpilingówandrevitalizingtreatments.
In theseareasthe skin is thinnerthanon the face,more sensitive andaging faster.Along thebridge(there isa lot ofsebaceous glands)in somewomenthere arepimplesand blackheads.With age,theneckmay producediscoloration andseborrhoeicwarts.
Advicefor you: Every daycreamapplied to the skin(theneck and shoulders, orthe same astheface).On theneckitlubricatethe movementfrom the centerto the sides, andneck- to themandible(streamlinethe area'sblood supply).Once a week,doscruband put onintensiveconditioningmask.
The lipsare covered witha thin layer ofepithelium, through whichshineslikebloodunaczyniającamouth -hence the nameredsores.Visibleon the surfaceare numerousfissures, whichare individual andcontinuingfor each personfor at least 10years old (itusescheiloskopia- a methodto analyze theforensicfingerprintsmouth).The lipshavesebaceous glandsare deprived ofthesweat glandsand hair.In thearea of the mouththere isa lotof receptors,becauseit is a placesensitive to touch, pain, vibration,temperature.With age,redsores"narrows" because theskinbecomes thinnerand disappearsdermis andsebaceous glands.
Advicefor you: Use alipstickwith a filterprotection- moisturizeslipsto preventchappingthem,shieldedfrom the sun.Peelinglipsdo-connectwitha little sugaror honeyandwater,whilerubbinghis lips.The effect of thistreatmentare smooth andbeautifully coloredlips.Use alip-temptinglusterparagraphyour manwill not leaveindifferent...
The scalp is soft, densely woven hair follicles, usually lighter, because access to the weapons of hair (thread-like creations of the epidermis). It is located in her lot with the sebaceous glands, so that hair has a nice sheen. But their very high activity of the hair is superfat. A common complaint of the scalp is dandruff, greasy - a symptom of seborrheic dermatitis.
Advice for you: washing your head, gently massage the skin (do not scratch it). Annotate cosmetics to hair styled, and not on the scalp - to avoid the unpleasant irritation and itching. When you have dandruff, use a shampoo suitable for its variety (oily or dry) for about 3 weeks. In stubborn cases, select a dermatologist.
The skin of your hand is free subcutaneous tissue and sebaceous glands. She has a large number of sweat glands (300-400 per cm2, as well as on the feet) and a thicker layer of the epidermis. On the inside of the hand are creating a system of fingerprint grooves characteristic of every human being. With age the skin thickens, is prone to cracking and inflammation under the influence of detergents or irritants. While the skin back of the hands of time to become thinner, prone to irritation and more discolored, because it is constantly exposed to the sun, wind and temperature differences. The hands are called. reflex points (used to reflexology), which correspond to individual organs - their oppression can cure various diseases and to alleviate their symptoms.
Advice for you: After each washing your hands do not rub in the cream - it will give them smoothness and delay the aging of the skin. For domestic work wear gloves. Remember to scrub, apply moisturizing mask. When the nails are weak, strengthen them nutrients and take a professional manicure - their condition may result from the inability to use such a file. If you rozdwajają, crumbling, are too soft, Get expert advice dermatologist to rule out disease.
Neck and back
On the back is thicker than the skin on the front torso. It also has a lot of sebaceous and sweat glands. Neck, the line of the spine and the lower part of the back are very sensitive to touch.
Advice for you: Once a week scrub do not to appear eczema.
Although here the skin is firmer, cellulite is prone to dilated capillaries and superficial veins. It builds up a lot of fat. Inner thighs and groin are gentle, sensitive to rubbing and sore spots - susceptible to fungal infection.
Advice for you: you type in the thighs or cellulite firming lotion. In this way will improve microcirculation in the skin and take care of its elasticity.
The skin is soft, has a lot of hair follicles and sweat glands and sebaceous glands.
Advice for you: to remove the hairs do not use the appliance only mild preparations. If you really perspire, reach for the anti-perspirant, which inhibits the secretion of sweat (deodorant only masks the unpleasant odor). In cases of severe hyperhidrosis may help these areas injections with botulinum toxin. Do not use perfumes and deodorants, perfumed the sun as it can cause discoloration of the skin.
This is where a lot of subcutaneous tissue in which fat cells are stored. Therefore, the skin on the abdomen is prone to stretch marks (due to excessive stretching of the skin, collagen fibers and break the skin), cellulitis (the effect of fat cell proliferation).
Advice for you: Keep a healthy weight and not overeating. Exercise your abdominal muscles. If you have stretch marks or cellulite, special use cosmetics to improve skin condition.
The soles are a lot of sweat glands, and sebaceous glands do not have - hence the skin is prone to cracking. It is quite thick (about 4 mm). The soles are a lot of sensory receptors, which makes you feel even a grain of sand in your shoe. With lines papilarnym not slide on a smooth surface. The skin of the feet, as well as on the hands, there are reflex points.
Advice for you: We regularly use grater feet (pumice harder to keep clean) and make peeling. To soften and are easier to remove calluses, use of cosmetics with the addition of urea and salicylic acid. Moisturize skin cream that prevents it from cracking. When the feet are very sweaty, use a deodorant or antiperspirant refreshing to the feet. If there are cracks in the skin, the redness or odor (especially between the toes), then report back to the dermatologist. Similarly, if your nails have become yellow, thickened, brittle.
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