I have a lot of free time and theydo not talk me what I must do. We can go on holidays , because we have a lot of money. My parents are happy and pleased, because they have job and they have interesting life. They have a lot of workmates, so they are satisfied. They are not unemployed
They have not enough free time. Sometimes they are tired, so they have not a good mood. Sometimes they have problems with their boss. They often work at the weekend and during Christmas Eve.
Parents very much are labouring day and night. for the child it is terrible defect in the century of growing up. Young people when is growing up he wants to talk about problems in the school and the life, but there are never no parents at home. From the other side it is bringing pluses. At one time how we will grow up we will be in some financial problems will help it is us. Bedą less to save what the more comfortable life will buy as well as the child will know that he lives in the well completed family.
Na Polski
Rodzice bardzo ciężko pracują dniami i nocami .Dla dziecka to jest straszna wada w wieku dorastania. Młodzież gdy dorasta chce porozmawiać o problemach w szkole i życiu, lecz rodziców nigdy nie ma w domu. Z drugiej strony to przynosi plusy. Kiedyś jak dorośniemy będziemy w jakiś problemach finansowych to nam pomogą. Bedą mniej oszczędzać co sprawi wygodniejsze życie oraz dziecko będzie wiedziało że mieszka w dobrze ułożonej rodzinie.
when my parents work we have a lot of money.
I have a lot of free time and theydo not talk me what I must do. We can go on holidays , because we have a lot of money. My parents are happy and pleased, because they have job and they have interesting life. They have a lot of workmates, so they are satisfied. They are not unemployed
They have not enough free time. Sometimes they are tired, so they have not a good mood. Sometimes they have problems with their boss. They often work at the weekend and during Christmas Eve.
Mam nadzieję, że chociaż trochę pomogłam.
Parents very much are labouring day and night. for the child it is terrible defect in the century of growing up. Young people when is growing up he wants to talk about problems in the school and the life, but there are never no parents at home. From the other side it is bringing pluses. At one time how we will grow up we will be in some financial problems will help it is us. Bedą less to save what the more comfortable life will buy as well as the child will know that he lives in the well completed family.
Na Polski
Rodzice bardzo ciężko pracują dniami i nocami .Dla dziecka to jest straszna wada w wieku dorastania. Młodzież gdy dorasta chce porozmawiać o problemach w szkole i życiu, lecz rodziców nigdy nie ma w domu. Z drugiej strony to przynosi plusy. Kiedyś jak dorośniemy będziemy w jakiś problemach finansowych to nam pomogą. Bedą mniej oszczędzać co sprawi wygodniejsze życie oraz dziecko będzie wiedziało że mieszka w dobrze ułożonej rodzinie.