January 2019 1 42 Report
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Zad.1Who do you think might be saying thse words? Why do yoi think so ?
1.'Hugging or hand holding is a natural safety mechanism'
2.If the desire to hug is mutual there is no invasion of personal space'
3.I thnk it is more important to stop unwanted touching. For those being harassed with unwanted touching scholl is hell
4.I don't want mu child to learn at school that she should live a cold live without the kindness of human touch
5.all the time I come across young people who need to hug five different young people between each class. It's making them late for class and distracting the focus of education.
6.Hugging or hand holding are lovely warm gestures between friend or family or natural signs of affection between two people
7.we are here to teach our children how to be successful and well-adjusted adults, not to teach them how to be even less socially adapted than most of this new generation already are
Analyse the quotes and explain what arguments for/againts hugging at school the present.
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