Pilne 1. Gościsz u siebie kolegę/koleżankę z Anglii. Rozmawiacie o przyjęciu weselnym, na którym ostatnio byłeś/-aś. Opowiedz mu/jej: • kto Ci towarzyszył; • jakie potrawy były serwowane; • jak bawili się goście. (rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący) Z góry dzięki 2.W czasie pobytu w Brighton padłeś/-aś ofiarą kradzieży. Opowiedz policjantowi: • gdzie wydarzyła się kradzież; • jak doszło do kradzieży; • co Ci ukradziono. 3. Opowiadasz znajomemu/znajomej o zakupach, które dzisiaj robiłeś/-aś. Powiedz: • w jakich sklepach byłeś/-aś; • co kupiłeś/-aś; • jaki incydent zdarzył się w sklepie, w którym byłeś/-aś.
1) *I was recently at a wedding. I went with my friend Michael. *At the beginning of the adoption was given lunch. still be able to eat various salads and other appetizers.Then he was given a big wedding cake. *everyone all the time dancing. Visitors have also participated in various games. 2) *I was stolen. Thief attacked me on the street. *I was talking with a friend and the thief stole my purse. *a thief stole my bag which I had phone, wallet and documents. 3) *Today I was shopping at the mall. there was a lot of shops selling clothes, cosmetics and home decorations. *I bought a dress for a wedding colleague, shoes and bag. Also bought a new lamp for my room. *in a shop where you bought the shoes I paid by credit card. When I forgot the pin to stick it. it was an awkward situation. Hopefully after a while I remembered the pin.
*I was recently at a wedding. I went with my friend Michael.
*At the beginning of the adoption was given lunch. still be able to eat various salads and other appetizers.Then he was given a big wedding cake.
*everyone all the time dancing. Visitors have also participated in various games.
*I was stolen. Thief attacked me on the street.
*I was talking with a friend and the thief stole my purse.
*a thief stole my bag which I had phone, wallet and documents.
*Today I was shopping at the mall. there was a lot of shops selling clothes, cosmetics and home decorations.
*I bought a dress for a wedding colleague, shoes and bag. Also bought a new lamp for my room.
*in a shop where you bought the shoes I paid by credit card. When I forgot the pin to stick it. it was an awkward situation. Hopefully after a while I remembered the pin.