LIST PRYWATNY jesteś na międzynarodowym obozie młodzieżowym. Zredaguj list do koleżanki z USA w którym: - napiszesz, gdzie jesteś i jak długo tam będziesz - poinformujesz jaki jest cel tego obozu i jak się o nim dowiedziałeś/aś - podasz, jakiej narodowości są pozostali uczestnicy obozu i poinformujesz o ciekawej znajomości, jaką zawarłeś/aś - wyrazisz swoją opinię na temat tego obozu i obiecasz, że wyślesz zdjęcia.
Jeśli poniższa odpowiedź Ci się podoba, wciśnij przycisk „Najlepsza” przy mojej odpowiedzi, a otrzymasz 15% zwrotu punktów na swoje konto!!!
UWAGA : Możesz to zrobić, jeśli minie godzina od wklejenia mojego rozwiązania.
Hello Sarah! Did you now I am on international youth camp? It's really splendid there. It's in Zakopane. It lasts about 7 weeks, so We will long time here. Goal of the camp is helping African's kids. I found It out on my school's information board. Actually, my best friend said me about it and We went to see the information board, because there was written everything about that camp there. Nationalities of teenagers is different. There's much people from Poland, some from Russia and Lituania. I have met guy from Russia, he is so funny. He learnt me some words in Russia. On my opinion, that camp is really great, but I just miss home and family. I taked a lot of photos and I'll send them to you soon. Best wishes, XYZ
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Dear Jenna, Thank you for your answer. I'm glad you remembered about my birthday. I'm now on the international youth camp in London, it will last for 2 weeks. We practise our language skills here by combining learning and fun. We play a lot of games and we use English all the time. My friend asked me to go with her. At first I wasn't sure but now I now I did well. Besides us, there are many people from other countries like Italy, Greece or Turkey. I met one really nice boy yesterday. He is from Czech Republic. We have so much in common. I think this camp was great idea. When I come back, I'll send you some photos of my new friends. I hope you like them. Kisses, Ann
Jeśli poniższa odpowiedź Ci się podoba, wciśnij przycisk „Najlepsza” przy mojej odpowiedzi, a otrzymasz 15% zwrotu punktów na swoje konto!!!
UWAGA : Możesz to zrobić, jeśli minie godzina od wklejenia mojego rozwiązania.
Hello Sarah! Did you now I am on international youth camp? It's really splendid there. It's in Zakopane. It lasts about 7 weeks, so We will long time here. Goal of the camp is helping African's kids. I found It out on my school's information board. Actually, my best friend said me about it and We went to see the information board, because there was written everything about that camp there. Nationalities of teenagers is different. There's much people from Poland, some from Russia and Lituania. I have met guy from Russia, he is so funny. He learnt me some words in Russia. On my opinion, that camp is really great, but I just miss home and family. I taked a lot of photos and I'll send them to you soon. Best wishes, XYZ
Thank you for your answer. I'm glad you remembered about my birthday.
I'm now on the international youth camp in London, it will last for 2 weeks. We practise our language skills here by combining learning and fun. We play a lot of games and we use English all the time.
My friend asked me to go with her. At first I wasn't sure but now I now I did well. Besides us, there are many people from other countries like Italy, Greece or Turkey. I met one really nice boy yesterday. He is from Czech Republic. We have so much in common.
I think this camp was great idea. When I come back, I'll send you some photos of my new friends. I hope you like them.
136 słów