September 2018 1 31 Report

Zakresl porawna odpowiedz w niektórych zdaniach obie sa dobre

1.I don't eat many/much sanwiches

2.There are a lot of/few good restaurants in town, so there's enough choice

3. Just add a little/little salt and peper to taste

4. there are lots of/ a few good recipes in this book

5. there aren't many/a lot of food shops aroun here

6.there were few/a few vegan meals in the restauramt so we stayed my countries people have little/a little food to survive on

8. Few/a few people were interested in the cookery course so it didn't start in the end

9/ Most people need little/a little free time to recharge their batteries

Uzupełnij zdania tak aby powstały zgodnie z prawda stwierdzenia o tobie lub o twoim miejscu zamieszkania

1. I eat mamy

2.I have too little

3.I know a few

4.There are few

5.There are a lot of

Napisz 3-4 zdania na temat potraw których w Polsce sie zwykle nie jada





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