December 2019 1 91 Report
A. jawablah dengan benar pertanyaan pertanyaan di bawah ini!
1. jelaskan pengertian konversi energi!
2. sebutkan sifat-sifat energi secara umum!
3. sebutkan tujuan utama mempromosikan sebuah produk!
4. jelaskan yang anda ketahui tentang pembangkit listrik tenaga surya!
5. sebutkan manfaat produk rekayasa konversi energi!
B. jawablah pertanyaan pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar!
1. jelaskan pemanfaatan energi angin sebagai energi alternatif pengganti minyak bumi!
2. sebutkan langkah-langkah dalan menentukan sasaran promosi!
3. jelaskan mengenai produk rekayasa konversi energi air!
4. jelaskan langkah-langkah pembuatan arang briket melalui proses pirolisis!
5. sebutkan manfaat kegiatan promosi produk rekayasa konversi energi!
C. jawablah dengan benar pertanyaan pertanyaan di bawah ini!
1. apa yang dimaksud dengan proses daur ulang?
2. sebutkan contoh limbah anorgantik!
3. apa dimaksud dengan konversi energi?
4. berikan contoh format laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha!
5. jelaskan yang anda ketahui tentang biogas!

Tolong di jawab y
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A. Read the following statements, and then decide if they introduce cause or effect!1. since you don't believe me, I won't say a word anymore (...)2. it is blackout, so I light some candles inside my house (...)3. the departure of eagle air has been delayed due to the bad weather (...)4. my nephew cried so loudly because of your dog (...)5. kiki broke his mother's vase. consequently, he must buy a new vase (...)6. she got flue: therefore she met a doctor (...)7. on an account of the delicious taste, l ate five pieces of this red velvet (...)8. as you got the first rank last semester, father gave you some 6money (...)B. read the following sentences them with your own sentences!1. randy is so angry that....................................................2. stella feels so sleepy because..........................................3. rania has headache. therefore, .......................................4. people in the village work together to build a bridge since ...............................................5. the students have to memorize the struggle of indonesian heroes. thus, .....................................................6. then man helped the policeman to catch a thief, so that ........................................................7. bram was blamed on the bad dance porfomance as ..........................................................8. I am such guilty that .........................................................9. the children always do some exercise. As a consequent .........................................10. lany got stressful due to ...........................................................tolong di jawabnya
A. Read the following statements, and then decide if they introduce cause or effect!1. since you don't believe me, I won't say a word anymore (...)2. it is blackout, so I light some candles inside my house (...)3. the departure of eagle air has been delayed due to the bad weather (...)4. my nephew cried so loudly because of your dog (...)5. kiki broke his mother's vase. consequently, he must buy a new vase (...)6. she got flue: therefore she met a doctor (...)7. on an account of the delicious taste, l ate five pieces of this red velvet (...)8. as you got the first rank last semester, father gave you some money (...)B. read the following sentences them with your own sentences!1. randy is so angry that....................................................2. stella feels so sleepy because..........................................3. rania has headache. therefore, .......................................4. people in the village work together to build a bridge since ...............................................5. the students have to memorize the struggle of indonesian heroes. thus, .....................................................6. then man helped the policeman to catch a thief, so that ........................................................7. bram was blamed on the bad dance porfomance as ..........................................................8. I am such guilty that .........................................................9. the children always do some exercise. As a consequent .........................................10. lany got stressful due to ...........................................................tolong di jawaban ya

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