Byłeś/łaś na wspaniałym koncercie w Covent Garden w Londynie. Opowiadasz o nim swoim angielskim znajomym. Powiedz: • kiedy ten koncert się odbył i kto występował; • jak reagowała publiczność i jakie było Twoje wrażenie z tego wydarzenia; • czy spotkałeś/łaś jakichś wspólnych znajomych.
When this concert has proceeded and who took a stand As audience reacted and that was from this event your impression If (or) some (certain) common familiar spotkałeś/łaś
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Yesterday i was in Covent Garden in London on the cocncert of System Of A Down band. Audience often stand up and clap for them. I meet few our school friend there.
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At Saturday I was a concert witm many great artists of rock music.The performance was great. Band have been playing three hours.The audience were having fun and aplouded.There I met my classmates.The atmosphere was unusual I wish it could happen again.
As audience reacted and that was from this event your impression
If (or) some (certain) common familiar spotkałeś/łaś