January 2019 0 13 Report
Czworokąt abcd jest podobny do czworokąta aefg.
Jaką częścią czworokąta abcd jest zacieniowana figura?

a) ma wyjść 15/16
b) ma wyjść 8/9

Proszę o wytłumaczenie skąd co się wzięło, dam naj i podziękowanie! :)
Pomóżcie proszę, potrzebne na już!

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Zad 1. Słowa z ramki które trzeba wstawić w odpowiednie miejsce; angry, excited, interested, keen, sorry 1)He was ..... with them because he didn't get a prize. 2)Several people were very .......... on growing their own vegetables. 3) Everyone is ........ about the next Olimpic Games. 4)She was ............. in becoming a writer. 5)Everyone felt ....... for the parents with the sick children. zad.2 Ułóż pytania do podkreślonych wyrazów (te wyrazy nie bd podkreślone tylko bd napisane drukowanymi literami); 1)Thieves were stealing a painting when THE POLICE ARRIVED. 2)Thieves were STEALING A PAINTING when the police arrived. 3)My parents were DRIVING HOME when the storm started. 4)My parents were driving home when THE STORM STARTED. 5)Tania was LIVING ABROAD when her parents moved house. 6)Tania was living abroad when HER PARENTS MOVED HOUSE. 7)I was FILMING THE CONCERT when the the battery died. 8)I was filming the concert when THE BATTERY DIED. zad.3 Make questions for the missing information; (trzeba uzupełnić luki odpowiednim słowem i napisać pytanie to tego zdania chyba) 1) I was ....... when I heard the news. Pytanie; What were you doing when you heard the news? 2) Our team was ....... when the rain started. Pytanie; ....................................... 3) We were ....... when the camera battery died. Pytanie; .................................... 4) Ana was ........... when the phone rang. Pytanie; .......................................... 5) My parents were ............ when the postman arrived. Pytanie; ........................................ 6) The students were ........... when the teacher entered the room. Pytanie; ........................... POTRZEBNE NA JUŻ, OCZYWIŚCIE DAM NAJ I PODZIĘKOWANIE! POMÓŻCIE PROSZĘ!

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