August 2018 1 12 Report
Działka państwa Jabłońskich ma kształt prostokątka o wymiarach 25m x 32 m. W jednym z jej dłuższych boków umieszczono bramę wjazdową o szerokości równej 1/8 tego boku.

1.Powierzchni działki wynosi:
a. 800 m kwadratowych
b. 820 m kwadratowych
c. 114 m kwadratowych
d. 792 m kwadratowych

2. Za wykonanie nowego ogrodzenia działki zapłacono 825 zł. Pomijając koszt wykonania bramy, oblicz, ile kosztował jeden metr bieżący ogrodzenia.
a. 6,50 zł
b. 7,50 zł
c. 9,50 zł
d. 10,50 zł

3.Pole prostokąta przedstawiającego działkę na planie wykonanymw skali 1:400 wynosi:
a. 200 cm kwadaratowych
b. 20 cm kwadratowych
c. 500 cm kwadratowych
d. 50 cm kwadratowych

4.Domek letniskowy państwa Jabłońskich jest w przedstawiony na tym samym planie jako kwadrat o boku 2,25 cm. W rzeczywistości domek ten zajmuje na działce powierzchnię równą:
a.32,4 m kwadratowe
b. 324 m kwadratowe
c. 81 m kwadratowych
d. 41 m kwadratowych

5. Obszar na którym znajduje sę domek stanowi:
a. niecałe 10 % powierzchni działki
b. dokładnie 10 % powierzchni działki
c. ponad 40 % powierzchni działki
d.ponad 10% powierzchni działki

6.w ogrodzie Panstwa Jabłonskich stoi beczka w kształci walca o średnicy podstawy 30 cm. Podczas ulewnego deszczu poziom wody w beczce podniósłsię o 4 cm. Ile litrwó wody przybyło w beczce podczas ulewnego deszczu?
a. około 0,9 litra
b. okolo 2,8 litra
c. około 5,6 litra
d. okolo 11,2 litra

7. Oblicz ile mniej więcej litrów wody spadło w tym czasie na całą działkę.
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Witam. Chciałabym aby ktoś sprawdził moją pracę i napisał do niej zakończenie. Miał to być opis szkoły razem z jej historią.The place I would like to describe is high school number 8 in Toruń. This school is located by the Grunwaldzka street only 10 minutes by walk to the city centre. First school year begun 18 Septrember 1947. In whole school complex are located also two dormitories- for girls and boys. There is also playing field. But I will start from the begining, when it wasn`t so nice and easy.First lessons took place in the humidors Electric high school by the saint Joseph street and the dormitory was by the Jaroszczyński street. In the begining there was only 31 students. To show the differance now in our school lear about 800 students. In school was only 6 classroms, secretariat and headmaster office. Learning last 4 years and after it student could become sugar technologist. Also apart from learning students were training different sports like basketball or volleyball despite they didnt have any sport hall. But they were also very good at hunting,chess and table tenis. They also offten were going to other towns to play with other students from other schools and our school was one of the best. Not only from sport our school was very popular but also from that it had the brass. Our high school become really fast well-know school. In the 1953 school opened new direction-construction machinery and equipment for the sugar industry. In 1 September 1954 the classes begun in new bulding by the Grunwaldzka street and in 1959 was opened first dormitory near the school. The school was developing very fast and started come new directions. In the midle of 70 they start bulding new sport hall which is now the biggest one in Toruń. In school year 1987/1988 our shcool took first place in terms of number of finalists from different kind olympiads. Our high school always was taking high places in diffrent kind rankings. With time school was developing and started making diffrent directions untill tooday. Now our school has 8 profiles, about 30 classroms, rooms for teachers, school schop, library, modern equipment, proffesional sports hall and new schoolyard. But there are few thing that still didnt change from the begining. Every year school organised many trips, prom and a-levels tests. We still also keep taking high scores in diffrent kind sports competitions, language competitions etc.

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