October 2018 1 22 Report

1. Między liczby -12 i 16 wstaw trzy liczby tak ,by wraz z danymi towrzyły ciąg arytmetyczny.

2. Między liczby 1/4 i 4 wstaw trzy liczby tak, by wraz z danymi tworzyły ciąg geometryczny.

3. Oblicz sumę wszystkich liczb naturalnych spełniających warunek 39<x ≤ 120

4. W ciągu arytmetycznym dane są a₅ = 12, a₁₂= 19. Wyznacz a₁ i r.

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Przetlumacz podany tekst z angielskiego na polski. PROSZE O DOKŁADNE TŁUMACZENIE BEZ TRANSLATORA. We often ask ourselves if our lifestyle is healthy. Whether we live long and happily very much depends on how we live and how we treat our bodies. Therefore, what is the best recipe to keep fit and healthy? It seems that the most important things to be in good condition are a good diet and vigorous exercise. We should also lake into account our habits and indulgences. As far as diet is concerned, we should always give priority to simple whole food over richer and meatier products. We should eat a lot of fruit and vegatables because they contain vitamins and minerals which are good for our health. We should fat-building sweets, ice-cream, cookies or crisps and instead eat morewholemeal bread, low-fat cottage cheese and drink skimmed milk or yoghurt. If possible, we should eat regularly five times a day and our diet should not only be balances but also varied. Those who wish to be slim do not necessarily have to starve. Lean meat and fresh fruits salads, for instance, may appease one's hunger but are less calorific than cakes or sweets. What else is harmful to our health? Some people do not realize that their lifestyle has a great influence on their comfort. Technological progress has made our lives easier but atthe same time we have become lazy. We drive to work, spend half a day sitting behind a desk, we watchi television for hours and as a result we feel unfit. What can therefore be done about it? generally people tho take regular exercise do not feel only better but also live longer! If we spend at least half an hour daily playing tennis, running, swimming or even walking we can achieve deep relaxation and at the same time protect ourselves from such serious medical problems as coronary disease, heart attack or circulatory disorders. Let us think for our health is sleep and rest. We should bear in mind that only relaxed people living without too much pressure and worry have a chance to keep healthy. However, that is not everything. Equally important is giving up such bad habits as drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. Some ypung people are of the opinion that smoking is a okeasure. They claim that cigarettes have many psychilogical benefits, for example they calm down and make them feel better. What utter nonsense! It is scientificaly proven that people who smoke one half to one packet of cigarettes daily die three years sooner that non-smokers. Besides, cigarettes cause serious diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease or bronchial troubles. Therefore, if we do not want to fall ill we should give up smoking altogether. We should become more health conscious and aware thet we are basically responsible for our own well-being.

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