October 2018 1 31 Report

a) I2x-2I ≤ 6 b) I-3x +5I < 10 c) I3-3x I ≥ 10
Zastosuj wzory:
a) (√2-2 √3)2 b) ( 4√2-2)2 c) (6√2+3 √3)2
Usuń niewymierność:
a) (√2)/(√3-1) b) (√3)/(1+ √2) c) (√2- √5)/(√(3 )+ 2√6)
a) 2√50+6 √32+4 √18-2 √8
b) 3 √27+2 √12+4 √48
Wyznacz A ∩ B, A ∪ B, A \ B, B \ A, A’, B’ jeśli:
a) A = < -2, 3> B = ( - ∞,4>
b) A = ( -1, 5) B = ( 2, + ∞)
Znajdź NWD i NWW liczb:
( 42, 15) ( 525, 330)
Zapisz funkcje w postaci kanonicznej i iloczynowej:
a) f (x) = 3x2 + 5x -2
b) f (x) = x2 +3
Sporządź wykresy funkcji kwadratowej:
a) f (x) = x2 – 4x + 3
b) y = x2 – 4
Wyznacz y max y min funkcji:
y = x2 + 4x – 2 < -1, 1>
f (x) = - 2x2 + 5x -3 <-2, 3>
Wyznacz przedziały monotoniczności funkcji:
f (x) = 2x2 + 8x – 10
y = -3x2 + 6x + 12

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BARDZO PROSZĘ O ROZWIĄZANIE TYCH ZADAŃ: ZADANIA SĄ Z KSIĄŻKI ,, Matura Upload 2''- ćwiczenia strona 62. ZAD.1 Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun.1. Greg taught.............how to make things out of clay.2. My little sister never cleans up after.............. .3. Most teens look after.......................and try and keep fit and halthly. 4. Please help...............to any of the starters on the menu. 5. Let me introduce............. . I'm your new Bilogy teacher.2. Fill in so, souch(a/an). 1. Ms Lillian is..............patient teacher. Everyone in the class likes her.2. It was ..................... hard work that we got tired very quickly.3. That advert has got ..............catchy song that I can't stop singing it.4. Those trainers are ............. popular that most teens are wearing them. 5. This is .....................amazing bargain that I am going to buy it.3. Complete the sentences using so or such.1. The weather was awful. We didn't go out. It............................................ .2. The landscape was beautiful. We took lots of pictures. The ...................................... . 3. They are talented artists. They exhibit their work in the local gallery. They......................................... .4. Cartoons are entertaining. Children love to watch them. Cartoons......................................5. The ad for the book was successful. The company had to print more copies. It.....................................................BARDZO PROSZĘ O ROZWIĄZANIE TYCH ZADAŃ: ZADANIA SĄ Z KSIĄŻKI ,,Matura Upload 2'' - podręcznik.ZADANIE 2c). Fill in: crying, flat, beating, shelter, crashing, rescue. 1. I could see waves .............on the beach.2. We decided to find ...............to protect ourselves from the tsunami. 3. When they heard the bad news they started.............. . 4. Emergency services tried hard to....................... the trapped men.5. The trees were lying.............on the ground.6. He was so scared his heart was ....................fast.ZADANIE 4 a). Look at the picture and put the verbs in brackets into the pastcontinuous.1. Bob and Sandra................(eat) sandwiches. They .................................(not/play) volleyball.2. Darren ...................(swim). He .....................(not/walk) the dog. 3. Tina and Sharon.......................(play) volleyball. They (not/eat) sandwiches.4. Ryan ...............(walk) the dog. He ..................(not/read) a book on the beach. 5.Vicky ..................(read) a book. She....................(not/swim).

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