September 2018 1 164 Report

Pomocy to zadania z książki direkt 1b

16/85 Ułóż zdania

1. heute Abend , die Sprachschule , gehen , ich , in

2. wir , um 20 Uhr , sich treffen , das Cafe , in

3.Tabletten , ich , brauchen , und, die Apotheke, gehen, in

4. Frau Stein, der Bioladen, kaufen, in, Obst und Gemuse

5. Herr Schulz, die Kneipe, trinken, in, Bier

6. finden, Krawatten, in, Sie, 3.Etage

7. tanzen, ich, mochte-n, und, in, gehen, die Disko

8. keine Zeit, gehen, heute Abend, zu, Disko, in, heben, ich

13/84 ułóż dialog

- Zapytaj ją czy ma ochotę pójść do centrum młodzieżowego.

- Koleżanka odmawia i pyta, dlaczego nie idziecie do kina.

- Zapytaj o repertuar w kinie.

- Koleżanka udziela ci informacji o repertuarze (Spider Man)

- Wyraź zgodę i zapytaj o godzinę i miejsce spotkania.

- Koleżanka proponuje spotkanie o 20 przed kinem i upewnia się, czy wiesz, gdzie to jest kino.

- Potwierdź, że wiesz, i pożegnaj się.

11/83 odpowiedz na pytania

1. Wo treffen wir uns? (kneipe) -- In der Kneipe

2 Wo lernst du Italienisch? (Sprachschule)

3 Wo wartet Markus? (Kino)

4 Wo steht der Tourist? (Museum)

5 Wo machst du Gymnastik? (Tuenhalle)

6 Wo parken wir? (parkhaus)

7 Wo lernst du schwimmen? ( Schwimmbad)

8 Wo ist hier eine Telefonzelle? (Hotel)

3/80 ułóż miidialogi jak w przykładzie

Brot, Backerei/ Supermarkt

- Wo kaufst du Brot? In der Backerei oder im Supermarkt?

* In der Backerei.

Kuchen, Backerei/ Konditorei



Wurst, Metzgerei/Markt



Milch, Lebensmittelgeschaft/ Supermarkt



Kleidung, Botique/Kaufhaus



Jeszcze zadanie 11/28 i 13/29

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1 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery tych wyrazów zostały podane.1 She’s got a f______. Her temperature is 39 degrees.2 Be careful about what you eat so you don’t get f____ poisoning.3 I t_____ my ankle playing tennis. It hurts a lot.4 I’ve got a s_______ throat. I cannot talk much.5 There was a b_____ man walking down the road with a white stick.6 His sister is d_______. She cannot walk and has difficulty using her hands.7 He won’t be able to walk for eight months. He needs a w_________.8 I’d like to make an a________ to see Dr Walker, please.9 They are going to t______ her with a new drug . Perhaps it will help.10 I hope a c______ for AIDS will be discovered soon.2 Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi przyimkami.1 I’ve got a terrible pain ____ my chest.2 He died ____ a heart attack.3 I think I’m addicted ____ chocolate! It’s like a drug.4 I’m allergic ____ strawberries.5 My aunt suffers _____ insomnia.6 He recovered ____ stomach cancer.7 They operated ____ her a week ago. She’s much better now.8 My grandmother walks, cycles and does yoga. She’s ___ very good shape.9/10 I’m out ___ shape. I should take ___ a sport.3 Dopasuj słowa z ramki do typów zwierząt.ant butterfly deer hare pigeon snake stork tortoise1 Mammals: _______ ______2 Birds: ______ ________3 Reptiles: _______ _______4 Insects: ________ _______4 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery tych wyrazów zostały podane.1 The town ofPompeiiwas destroyed by a volcanic e________.2 When there’s a f_______, people die from lack of food.3 Earthquakes and tsunamis are natural d________.4 Air p_______ is caused by smoke from factories, car exhaust fumes, and aeroplanes.5 Many scientists believe that global warming is caused by the g_________ effect.6 To help protect the environment, you can s______ your rubbish.7 If we do not protect rare animal species, they may become e________.5 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery tych wyrazów zostały podane.Poland has a 1p_________ of over 38 million. Its 2c_________ is Warsaw and its national 3a_________ is Mazurek Dąbrowskiego. The Polish 4f_________ is white and red.Polandis a 5r_________, which means it has a democratic government elected by the 6c_________. The Polish 7p_________ is called Sejm.6 Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi przyimkami.1 He was accused _____ murder.2 She was sentenced _____ five years in prison.3 They broke _____ a shop.4 This company discriminates _____ Polish employees.7Dopasuj wyrazy o podobnym znaczeniu.1 chillya) wet2 rainyb) hurricane3 foggyc) hill4 windd) cold5 mountaine) misty 8 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą podanych wyrazów.0 We still have not eliminated racism from our society. RACE1 The ______ got into the house through a broken window. BURGLE2 Car ______ is a common crime in many big cities. THIEF3 I was attacked by a ______, who stole my mobile phone. MUG4 One the greatest global problems is the _______ inAfrica. POOR9 Dopasuj wyrazy, aby utworzyć związki wyrazowe.1 commita) the law2 breakb) penalty3 lifec) a bank4 deathd) a crime5 robe) imprisonment
1 Uzupełnij tabelę nazwami sportowców.SPORTSPORTSPERSONathleticsathlete1 football2 tennis3 swimming4 sailing5 cycling2 Dopasuj wyrazy, aby utworzyć związki wyrazowe.1 footballa) trunks2 tennisb) lift3 swimmingc) rink4 skid) court5 skatinge) kit3 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami.1 I ___________ swimming three times a week.2 Helen and Richard ___________ yoga in their free time.3 Do you ___________ tennis?4 We must ___________ today’s match to qualify for the next round.5 My brother became very popular after he ___________ two goals for his school’s representation.4 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery tych wyrazów zostały podane.1 There were at least 20,000s________ in the stadium.2 The fans shouted rude words at the r_______ because they disagreed with his decision.3 Paul works out at the g_____ twice a week.4 The game ended in a d______ - nobody won.5 Look how fast he’s running! I think he’s going to set a new world r______.5 Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.1 The book has a very interesting a) plot. b) bestseller. c) volume. d) fiction.2 The main ____ in The Chronicles of Narnia are four children. a) persons b) chapters c) characters d) people3 I’m reading the novel 1984 ____ George Orwell. a) of b) on c) by d) at4 Jimi Hendrix’s first album Are You Experienced? was ____ in 1967. a) published b) released c) shown d) sold5 In The Departed Leonardo di Caprio ____ as police officer Billy Costigan. a) plays b) acts c) stars d) presents6 John Constable painted ____ of the English countryside. a) portraits b) still lifes c) masterpieces d) landscapes7 Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice ____ the story of two sisters. a) tells b) says c) gives d) presents8 The Lord of the Rings is ____ in an imaginary world called Middle-earth. a) placed b) set c) situated d) based9 Martin Scorsese’s film Goodfellas is ____ on a true story. a) made b) filmed c) based d) hot10 A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was ____ into a film in 2005. a) turned b) adapted c) based d) made6 Dopasuj wyrażenia z ramki do rodzajów chapter conductor exhibition interval screenplay sculpture stage subtitles volume1 music: ____ ____2 literature: ____ ____3 visual arts: ____ ____4 theatre: ____ ____5 film: ____ ____
1 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami.1 We’re planning to spend a few days inParisand _______________ the sights.2 I’d like to _______________ a double room for two nights, please.3 If you don’t hurry, we’ll _______________ our flight.4 Could you please _______________ me the way to the bus station?5 Please _______________ on the bus now, we’re leaving in five minutes.6 Please _______________ your seat belts.7 Would you like to _______________ camping this summer?2 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery tych wyrazów zostały podane.1 A shop that sells magazines, papers and cigarettes is called a n________________.2 A shop where you can buy medicine, toothpaste, shampoo etc. is a ch________________.3 You can buy fruit and vegetables at a g________________.4 A shop that sells notebooks, envelopes etc. is called a s________________.5 A place where a mechanic will repair your car is a g________________.6 A place where you can have your coat cleaned is a d________________.7 A line of people waiting to buy something is called a q________________.8 A person who buys something in a shop is a c________________.9 If you are not satisfied with a product or service, you can make a c________________.10 To return a product to a shop, you need to show a r________________.11 To get a r________________ means to get your money back.12 If a jacket f________________ you, it is the right size.13 If a blouse and a skirt m________________, they look good together.14 If something is half price, it is fifty per cent o________________.15 There is a special o________________ on DVDs: two for the price of one.16 There is a thirty per cent d________________ on all T-shirts.17 I need to get some money out of a cash m________________.18 Can I pay by c________________ card here?19 You don’t believe the man in this c________________ is a real dentist, do you? He’s just an actor selling toothpaste!20 A b________________ name is a special name given to a product by the company that produces it.
ŻywienieZakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.1 Bread, pasta and rice area) dairy products. b) cereal products. c) fats. d) junk food.2 Which of the following is not a vegetable?a) cucumber b) cauliflower c) pear d) sweetcorn3 Which of the following is not a kind of meat?a) bacon b) turkey c) beef d) herring4 Which of the following is not a fruit?a) plum b) apricot c) radish d) watermelon5 This bread is rathera) stale. b) well-done. c) strong. d) mild.6 This wine is verya) still. b) spicy. c) dry. d) fresh.7 I prefer ______ water.a) still b) stale c) sweet d) rare8 We need a ______ of bread.a) can b) jar c) bar d) loaf9 I’d like a big ______ of chocolate, please.a) bar b) jar c) packet d) can10 Can I have a ______ of cherry jam, please?a) can b) jar c) carton d) loaf11 You can ______ water in a kettle.a) cook b) boil c) bake d) slice12 You can ______ a cake in the oven.a) fry b) melt c) mix d) bake13 You can ______ tomatoes with a knife.a) cook b) stir c) slice d) mix14 I usually have lunch in the schoola) bar. b) canteen. c) restaurant. d) pub.15 Before a meal you have to ______ the table.a) lay b) clear c) do d) wash up16 We sat down at the restaurant table and read thea) card. b) dish. c) bill. d) menu.17 The waiter recommended the ______ of the day.a) course b) dish c) menu d) plate18 We ordered starters, a main ______ and a dessert.a) meal b) food c) course d) dish19 We finished eating and asked the waiter to bring us thea) tip. b) bill. c) receipt. d) sum.20 We thought the waiter was very nice, so we left a biga) tip. b) money. c) bill. d) cash.
1 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery tych wyrazów zostały podane.1 I couldn’t see inside the flat because the c________ were drawn.2 There’s no bath in the bathroom, only a sh________.3 I need a really big new w________ – the old one is too small for all my clothes.4 I like sitting in a comfortable a________ in front of a fire.5 We’ve got a new electric c________ in the kitchen. It’s safer than the old gas one.6 We live on the tenth floor of a t________ block.7 His grandparents live in a lovely c________ in the countryside.8 They’ve got a s________-d________ house and they keep arguing with their neighbours.9 The flat has recently been renovated. It’s in very good c________.10 The flat is fully f________, so you won’t have to buy any furniture.11 She’s got a comfortable, r________ flat; there’s a lot of space.12 The flat is very conveniently l________, close to shops and public transport.13 Living in a tourist r________ can be tiring – there are always tourists around.14 The centre is too noisy for me, I prefer to live in the s________.15 It is not fair to let your mother do all the h________: cleaning, washing up, ironing and on.16 When you live on your own, you have to pay the r________.17 Our telephone b________ for last month is enormous – there must be a mistake.18 Jenny and her sister sh________ a room which is not really big enough for the two of them.19 Did you remember to l________the door?20 We’ve got the keys to our new flat! We can m________ in next week!Test 3 Szkoła1 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery tych wyrazów zostały podane.1 After kindergarten, I went to p________ school.2 Mary went to an i________ secondary school, which was rather expensive.3 Miss Harris is in the s________ with all the other teachers.4 Our c________ is too small and it gets very crowded at lunchtime.5 Tim is my c________. In fact, we sit together in most lessons.6 Peggy’s favourite subject is s________, especially physics.7 I like maths; I enjoy solving p________.8 My favourite subject is P________, because I’m good at sports.9 I’ve lost a big f________with my art work in it.10 Our history t________ is very interesting: it contains a lot of photos and sources.11 I’m going to g________ from university in six year’s time.12 Chris is going to t________ his final exams at university next year.13 If you f________ the driving test, you can retake it.14 If I p________ all the exams, I’m going to celebrate for a week.15 This school has the highest a________ standards in the city.16 Students who ch________ in exams can expect to find themselves in trouble.17 If you m________ too many lessons, you’ll have a lot of work to do on your own.18 Miss Fitzwilliam is quite d________: she expects everyone to study hard.19 I don’t see the point of learning things by h________ without understanding them!20 Miss Tardy says she hasn’t had the time to m________ our tests. I hoped I’d know my result today.
1 Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.1 Which of the following words does NOT describe marital status? a) single b) lonely c) divorced d) married2 People have got ten ____ on their feet. a) fingers b) toes c) elbows d) knees3 She’s got long hair and she wears it in a ____. a) fringe b) wavy c) moustache d) ponytail4 Which of the following words is opposite in meaning to the remaining three? a) gorgeous b) ugly c) beautiful d) handsome5 Which of the following words is opposite in meaning to the remaining three? a) overweight b) fat c) plump d) skinny6 Which of the following is not a kind of underwear? a) pants b) scarf c) bra d) boxer shorts7 Emily’s very ____. She understands how other people feel. a) relaxed b) sensible c) sensitive d) reliable8 Chris is quite ____. He doesn’t talk about his personal life much. a) gentle b) reserved c) polite d) stubborn9 Lenny’s rather ____. Sometimes he behaves like a little child. a) immature b) impatient c) sensible d) shy10 Kitty’s very ____. She goes out with her friends almost every day. a) outgoing b) talkative c) quiet d) sociable11 I respect ____ people. I think it’s important to tell the truth. a) responsible b) patient c) honest d) ambitious12 Which of the following words is negative in meaning? a) brave b) generous c) reliable d) selfish13 I like Chris. He’s got a great ____ of humour. a) feeling b) understanding c) sense d) feel14 If you’ve done something silly in front of other people, you can feel a) excited. b) embarrassed. c) disappointed. d) surprised.15 If you’ve trying hard to do something, but without success, you may feel a) frustrated. b) frustrating. c) excited. d) exciting.16 Miss Jones is in a bad ____ today. a) atmosphere b) feeling c) condition d) mood17 My sister’s fallen ____ love ____ my girlfriend’s brother. a) in, with b) on, with c) in, at d) to, at18 My little brother is afraid ____ dogs. a) of b) about c) with d) on19 Don’t laugh ____ me. Everyone makes mistakes. a) from b) at c) of d) on20 I’m fed up ____ my neighbours. a) on b) at c) with d) for

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