Wypracowanie ME IN FUTURE. CHodzi mi tu o wypracowanie na poziomie gimnazjum. Dość proste slownictwo, i o to ze chce byc informatykiem (wszystko jedno jaki dzial z tym zwiazany) i nie wiem jak to napisac prosze o pomoc. Zadanie gdzies tak 1/2 strony a4 czyli strona zeszytowa a5
In future I want to be a computer specialist. I choose this field because i really like computers and everything what concern them. This is ideal job for me, I like science subjects. I think that is very important work. It helps a lot of people to live and provides a lot of fun. I hope that my dreams will come true.
It helps a lot of people to live and provides a lot of fun. I hope that my dreams will come true.
Mam nadzieję, że tyle wystarczy.