December 2018 1 12 Report
1.Zapisz podaną wielkość, ale wyrażona w tuzinach, w postaci wyrażenia algebraicznego (1 tuzin to 12 sztuk)
a) m mendli (1 mendel to 15 sztuk)
b)k kop (1 kopa to 60 sztuk)
c) s sztuk

2.Zapisz podaną wielkość, ale wyrażona w tuzinach, w postaci wyrażenia algebraicznego (1 mendel to 15 sztuk)
a) t tuzinów (1 tuzin to 12 sztuk)
b)k kop (1 kopa to 60 sztuk)
c) s sztuk

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Write sentences about yourself. Use always / never / often / usually / sometimes. 1. (read in bed) I ............................................... 2. (get up before 7 o'clock) ........................................... 3. (go to work / school by bus) ............................................... 4. (drink coffee in the morning) ........................................................ ZAD 2 Przeczenia 1. Jane plays the piano very well. Jane ..................................... 2. They know my phone number. They ..................................... 3. We work very hard. .............................................. 4. He has a bath every day. ............................................. 5. You do the same thing every day. ..................................... ZAD 3 Study the information and write sentences with like. Do you like ... ? BEN AND SOPHIE KATE YOU 1. classical music? yes no ? 2. boxing? no yes ? 3. horror films? yes no ? 1. Ben and Sophie like classical music. Kate ................................................. I .................................... classical music. 2. Ben and Sophie ...................................... Kate ................................................. I ................................................... 3. ....................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ BARDZO PROSZĘ TO JEST NA JUTRO DAJĘ NAJ

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