1.Podczas pobytu w anglii kupiłaś sobie coś do ubrania. Niestety, po spacerze na deszczu zakupiona przez ciebie garderoba uległa zniszczeniu i nie nadaje sie do użytku. Napisz list do sklepu, w którym dokonałeś zakupu. W liście
*podaj powód pisania listu i napisz, o jaka rzecz chodzi
-napisz, gdzie i kiedy kupiłeś ten artykuł
-opisz, co sie stało i jak próbowałeś temu zarazdzić
-poproś o wymienę artykułu na nowy lub o zwrot pieniedzy
2. Podczas pobytu w anglii kupiłeś sobie nowy sprzet elektroniczny. Niestety, po tygodniu sprzet przestał działać. Napisz list do sklepu, w ktorym dokonales zakupu. w swoim liscie:
-podaj podów listu i wyajasnij o jaki sprzet chodzi
-napisz gdzie i kiedy dokonales zakupu
-przedstaw na czym polega usterka i co probowales zrobic
popros o wymiene sprzetu lub zwrot pieniedzy
list powinien zawierac od 120 do 150
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Good Morning
Yesterday i bought in Your shop a black jeans, a blue T-shirt and a black coat. Unfortunatelly after having a walk in the rain the black coat been wet and destroyed, it's unuseful now. It happens when a car was driving by me very fast. It drives into pool and the water from it falls on my new coat! Because of this water i get high temperature and a headache.
I was trying to make coat dry, but this didn't help, it's still destroyed - in the places where it was wet it's now grey. I think it's not because of me, i guess it's just problem with coat. Please exchange this coat for me, or give back the money, i will come to Your shop with it tomorrow.
I am writing this letter to tell you that my newly-bought MP3-player is malfunctioning. Whenever I plug in the headphones (that came with the player), all I hear is static. I've tried using other headphones, I even bought a new headset, to no avail. The purchase was made 2 months ago, on January the 4th, in your shop on Flower Street. I would like either to get a new MP3 player or my money back (as well as an extra 3 pounds for the extra headset I was forced to buy). Enclosed is my receipt.
Please reply as soon as you can,
Dear Sir,
I am writing to complain about the clothes.
Yesterday i bought in Your shop a black jeans, a blue T-shirt and a black coat. Unfortunatelly after having a walk in the rain the black coat been wet and destroyed, it's unuseful now. It happens when a car was driving by me very fast. It drives into pool and the water from it falls on my new coat! Because of this water i get high temperature and a headache.
I was trying to make coat dry, but this didn't help, it's still destroyed - in the places where it was wet it's now grey. I think it's not because of me, i guess it's just problem with coat. Please exchange this coat or give back the money.I hope you will give this matter your immediate attention.I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Sir,
I am writing to complain about notebook.I bought it 5 days ago in your shop.I am afraid that the notebook I bought did not work poperly from the start. The DVD room and speakers do not work at all.I tried fix the speakers but it failed. I am enclosing a copy of the receipt. I would like you to send me a new notebook and pick up the old one or give me a refund as soon as possible. I hope you will give this matter your immediate attention.I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,