September 2018 1 15 Report

1.Odpowiedź na podane pytanie zapisz w postaci wyrażenia algebraicznego:

c)karolina ma x lat i jest starsza od zosi o 3 lata. Ile lat miała karolina , a ile zosia 2 lata temu??

2.Zapisz liczbę x w postaci ogólnej wiedząc, że jest liczbą naturalna oraz,że:

a)liczba x jest iloczynem trzech kolejnych liczb naturalnych, z których najmniejszą jest naturalną

b)reszta z dzielenia liczby x przez 4 wynosi 3

c)reszta z dzielenia liczby x przez 3 jest równa 1

3.Niech k oznacza dowolną liczbę całkowitą. Zapisz symbolicznie, używając k:

a)liczbę całkowitą parzystą

b)liczbę całkowitą nieparzystą

c)trzy kolejne liczby nieparzyste, z których najmniejszą jest liczba 2k-5

d)trzy kolejne liczby parzyste, z których największa jest liczba 2k+4

e)iloczyn trzech kolejnych liczb całkowitych

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Proszę o pomoc w przetłumaczeniu tekstu ( tylko nie tłumaczcie przez translatory ). Tekst znajduje się w załączniku.One of the hottest new directors of British cinema isn't from Britain at all. His name is Pawel Pawlikowski and he was born in Poland. His first full-length film in 2000, called Last Resort, won the award for ‘Most Promising Newcomer’ in the British film industry. One if his latest films My Summer of Love, about two British teenagers, won an award for Best British Film at the BAFTA Awards in 2005 ( BAFTA stands for 'British Academy of Film and Television Arts' ). He is becoming famous for telling a good story, but what is his own story?Pawel Pawlikowski was born in Warsaw in 1957. His interest in films, and in British films in particular, began quite early. His mother taught English at Warsaw University, and she had a free pass to the British Council. Pawlikowski went there regularly and saw lots of British films – although he didn’t speak English at the time! He says, ‘I couldn’t understand anything in the films, but the images on the screen stayed with me.’ His favourite British films are still the films he saw when he was a child.When he was a teenager, he moved to Britain with his family and studied languages, literature and philosophy at university in London. He started out in the film industry by directing documentaries for the BBC, and won several awards for them, before he gradually moved into drama. People think that because he was not born in Britain, he sees Britain from a different viewpoint. He says, ‘ Once I left Poland in my teens, I was looking at things from the outside. For a while I didn’t understand what people were saying.’ That experience of being an outsider has stayed with him. For example, his film Last Resort is about the experiences of a Russian woman who comes with her son to live in Britain.Pawlikowski now lives in Oxford and works at Oxford Brookes University, where he is doing research into film - making in Britain today, and helping students who are doing a degree in Film Studies. But he will continue to make his own films because, he says, ‘Every good film is a bit like a dream… I want to create a little word that will stay with the audience.’

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