November 2018 1 90 Report

niemiecki !!! Mam to przypasowac tylko zle skserowane jest i nie widze całych zdan;/

1.Leider fahre ich nicht oft Rad. Und du ?
2. Habt ihr montags und freitags Judotraining?
3. Triffst du dich oft mit deinen Freunden?

4. Sitz ihr Tag vor dem Fernseher?

a) Ja, bis 3 Student tagl......
b) Ich auch selten
c) Nein, nur ab und....
d) Ja, zweimal in ....

tu gdzie sa kropki nie widze co pisze niestety. Jak ktos potrafi to zrobic to bede wdzieczna ;]

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MOGŁBY KTOS PRZETŁUMACZYC MI TEN TEKST ?????DIVORCED PORTUGUESE MEN GET INTERNET SURVIVAL GUIDE! Change your bed sheets once a week,keep pans near the cooker,and never wash white clothes with dark ones. That is just some of the advice you can find on a popular new internet site designed to help recently divorced Portuguese men do the housework which their wives always did for them when they were married. Men in Portugal usually live with their parents,where their mothers usually do most if not all of the cooking and cleaning.They often live at home until they get married.And,when they finally marry,most men leave housework to their wives. According to a recent study,married men in Portugal do less work around the house than in any other European Union country.But with the number of divorces rising rapidly in Portugal-there were 27,960 divorces last year in country of just over 10 milion people-thousands of men are having to iron their clothes and make dinner for the first time in their lives. Many of these newly divorced men have turned to the website,called Vida-On,for advice on what for them were "women's worries".On the website they can find out which bathroom cleaner works best or how to clean a stain from a white shirt. The most popular feature is a section offering recipes for beginners in the kitchen.The recipes are divided into those that are easy,for "normal days",and more difficult ones for "special days". In addition to domestic tips,the site gives advice for men who are worried about starting to date again.Other sections offer health and beauty tips as well as an entertainment guide for the newly single man,"These topics are not covered in traditional men's magazines,and women's magazines,write about them in a completely different way",said Oliveira.
Przetłumaczy mi ktosc porzadnie ten tekt ? jest kilka tłumaczen tego tekstu ale tak bezsensownych ze szkoda tego czytac. Wiem ze jest trudny do zrozumienia dlatego niech przetłumaczy go ktos kto bardzo dobrze umie angielski.Dirty WorkI've always been impressed by modern offices. All those skilled workers with their suits and ties and smart skirts. And I've always thought that one of the perks of working in such places is that everything is so clean. But according to a recent scientific study, if you're a white collar office worker, you should think about asking for sick leave or even start working from home. Because your workplace is crawling with germs. A team from the University of Arizona discovered that the average office desktop has 400times more bacteria than the average office toilet seat! And surprisingly, women's workstations are home to far more germs than those of their male colleagues. On average, female employees have three to four times the amount of germs in their work area.One reason why women's desks have more bacteria is that women spend more time with small children and so are more likely to catch their germs. Another problem is that women use make-up and lotions, which help to transfer bacteria. And many women, especially if they have to work long hours, like to have a little something to eat while they are on duty. So they tend to keep snacks in their desk drawers: an ideal place for bacteria to grow. Professor Charles Gerba found that seventy-five per cent of female employees kept food in their work area. I was really surprised how much food there was in a woman's desk. If there's ever a famine, that's the first place I'll look.However, before all you poor male workers run to your boss to complain your working conditions, and to threaten to go on strike unless you get a bonus for working with all those disty women, you should know one thing: men;s wallets are the most fertile breeding grounds of all for all those nasrty little office bugs. Professor Gerba: 'Your wallet is in your back pocket where it's nice and warm, it's a great incubator for bacteria.But don't hand in your resignation and apply for a job on a pig farm or at the municipal dump just yet. Before informing your employer that you're leaving for a more hygienic occupation, you should find out if anyone has done a similar study for blue collar workers involved in manual labour. It coul be even dirtier on the pig farm.

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