October 2018 1 73 Report

1.Kontem pasywnym jest konto:

a) kredyty dlugoterminowe

b) naleznosci od odbiorcow

c) srodki trwale

d) amortyzacja

2. Operacja gospodarcza, ktora zostala zaksiegowana zgodnie z zasada podwojnego zapisu lecz na niewlasciwych kontach:

a) spowoduje zachwianie rownowagi bilansowej

b) spowoduje,ze salda kont beda niewlasciwe

c)spowoduje powstanie nierownosci w zestawieniu obrotow i sald w kolumnach dotyczacych sald koncowych

d) nie qywola zadnych nieprawidlowosci w zapisach na poszczegolnych kontach

3. Zasada wg ktorej kazda operacje gospodarcza nalezy zaksiegowac na dwoch roznych kontach po przeciwnych stronach tych kont i w tej samej kwocie nazywa sie

a) zasada rownowagi bilansowej

b) zasada podwojnego zapisu

c) zasada zapisu powtorzonego

d)zasada wiernego obrazu

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zad.1. Use the notes to make conversations. Write full sentences. 1 A: Hi/my/name/Paolo./I/Italian/and/I/a student. B: Hi/Paolo./Nice/meet/you./I/Sandrine./I/come/France. 2 A: My/name/Magda./I/Polish./your/name? B: I/John./I/28/and/I/live/Cambridge. 3 A: This/Sandrine./She/French/and/she/interested/music. B: Hi./How/you?/I/like/cookand/I/love/watch/movies. 4 A: you/married/or/single?/I/married/and/I/have/daughter. B: I/not/married./I/live/my parents. 5 A: I/go/swim/every day./you/like/sports? B: No./I/enjoy/sing/and/I like/read. Zad.2 Correct the mistakes. 1. Who are you friends? 2. She get up early every day. 3. Ivan is Russia. 4. I don't mind to cook. 5. Sue favourite television programme is Survivor. 6.I often send photos in e-mail. 7. Do you have some maps of the USA? 8. Let's order the books in the Internet. 9. Judith don't mind hard work. 10. What are a battery? Zad.3. Tick the correct sentence in each pair 1 A) Jill and Keith collects old books. B) Jill and Keith collect old books. 2 A) We go skiing in the Alps every year. B) We do skiing in the Alps every year. 3. A) Has you got a brother or sister? B) Have you got a brother or sister? 4. A) They are good dictionarys. B) They are good dictionaries. 5. A) Bill is businessman B) Bill is a businessman 6. A) What are your phone number? B) What is your phone number? 7. A) I'm a student and I come from Germany. B) I'm a student and I'm coming from Germany. 8. A) We sometimes play volleyball on Saturday. B) We sometimes go volleyball on Saturday. 9. A) Have you got these watchs in silver? B) Have you got these watches in silver? 10. A) Simon hasn't got an e-mail address. B) Simon haven't got an e-mail address. zad.4. Circle the correct answers. 1. Nice to meet you. A) And you. b) Yes, it is. c) you are nice.

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