September 2018 1 14 Report

Bardzo proszę o pomoc, potrzebuję to na jutro.... HELP !!!! !!!

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Witam Proszę o pomoc potrzebuję to na dziś: Zad1. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery z tych wyrazów zostały podpisane. 1) I couldn't see inside the flat because the c________ were drawn. 2) There's no bath in the bathroom, only a sh______ 3) I need a really big new w_____ - the old one is too small for all my clothes. 4) I like sitting in a comfortable a______ in front of a fire. 5) We've got a new electric c______ in the kitchen. It's safer than the old gas one. 6) We live on the tenth floor of a t_____ block. 7) His grandparents live in a lovely c____ in the country side. 8) The'yve got a s____-d____ house and the keap arguing with their neighbours. 9) The flat has recently been renovated. It's in very good c____ 10) The flat is fully f______, so you won't have to buy any furniture. 11) She's got a comfortable r_____ flat, there's a lot of space. 12) The flat iv very conveniently I_____ close to shops and lublic transport. 13) Living in a tourist r____ can be tiring- there are always tourists around. 14) The centre is too noisy for me, i prefer to live in the s____ 15) It is not fair to let your mother do all the h_____ cleaning, washing up, ironing and on. 16) When you live on yout own, you have to pay the r____ 17) Our telephone b______ for last month is enormous there must be a mistake. 18) Jenny and her sister sh_____ a room which is not really big enouch for two of them 19) Did you remember to I ____ the door ? 20) We've got the keys to our new flat! We can m___ in next week. Bardzo proszę o pomoc potrzebne mi to bardzo dzisiaj ......

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