August 2018 2 22 Report
1. Na podwórzu były kury i króliki. Razem zwierzęta miały 22 głowy i 54 nogi. Ile było kur, a ile królików?

2. Siano po skoszeniu ważyło 350kg, a po wyschnięciu o 14% mniej. Oblicz wagę suchego siana.

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PRZETŁUMACZ PODANY TEKST: The question of whether predictive inferences should be considered part of the propositional representation of a text or the situation-model level cannot at this time be resolved. To assign predictive inferences to a situation-model level would require that there be a clear definition of what kinds of information are included in a situation model and what kinds are not, something that we do not have. Whether propositional or situation-model information, the older adults in our study appear to have encoded and remembered predictive inferences as well as the young adults. In other words, they do appear to understand that something bad happened to the actress. We can draw this conclusion because the diffusion model gives a way to separate the strength with which information is represented in memory from speed/accuracy criteria and nondecision components of processing. The model can be applied to examine encoding and memory for particular kinds of information such as predictive inferences without any commitment to where they fall in or between propositional and situation-model levels. The model solves a scaling problem: The older readers’ responses to test words were much slower than the young adults’, roughly 200–400 ms slower, and the difference between their RTs to ‘‘dead’’ in the predicting and control conditions was larger. For the young adults, the difference was 53 ms, whereas for the two older groups, the difference averaged 99 ms. Applying the model, we found that RTs were longer and differences between conditions larger because the older adults set their criteria farther apart: they were less willing than the young adults to go so fast that they made errors that they could have avoided by going slower. The model also handles another problem: at the same time that the difference in RTs between the predicting and control conditions was considerably larger for the older adults than the younger, the difference in accuracy was almost nonexistent (a .23 difference between predicting and control for the older groups, a .22 difference for the young group). The model resolved this seeming contradiction in the same way it resolved the scaling issue: the older adults’ difference in memory strength (drift rate) for the target test word between the predicting and control conditions was almost identical to the young adults’, even though they set their criteria further apart. To our knowledge, the experiment reported here is the first application of a sequential sampling model to investigations of language comprehension and memory for older adults. It is our hope that, in the near future, such models will allow investigations of the degree to which older adults understand and remember many other kinds of inferences, as well as other sorts of textual information.

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