October 2018 1 22 Report

1. Które zdania są zgodne z treścią tekstów, a które – nie? Wybierz True lub False.

Food experiences
Why do we find some food tasty and other food horrible? Each country has its own traditional food and some food is really, really strange … to us. Write and tell us about your unusual food experiences. I went to China last year and some of the food was really horrible like the scorpion* kebabs. I couldn't eat them. I didn't try the dog stew, but my friends said it was really good. I liked the cooked snake a lot and I also tried chicken feet. They were quite tasty. I think Chinese food is exciting and very colourful. Mark I went to stay with my uncle Ben in Scotland and he only eats raw* food. He doesn't cook anything! I enjoyed eating the fruit and nuts, but he also gave me raw egg. That was disgusting! Yuk! He only eats natural food like this because he says it's healthy. He showed me lots of wild plants you can eat, but they didn't taste very good. I was pleased to go home! Karen We ate some fantastic food in France last year, but some strange things too. We had pig's blood sausages with apples one day. It looked horrible but it tasted great. Another time, we ordered a dish with a funny name. It was fried frogs' legs! But the worst was when we bought some moving cheese. There were maggots* in it! I couldn't eat that! ClareI love food and I like eating new things. One day I went to a Thai restaurant with my friends and we ordered lots of delicious dishes, including spicy* soup, chicken and rice. Then I did something silly. I put a lot of red sauce on my chicken. I burnt my mouth and went all red. I couldn't eat any more after that and my friends all laughed at me. Bill

1.Mark thought dog stew was really good.

False 2.His favourite food in China was snake.

False 3.Clare didn't eat the pig's blood sausage.

False 4.She ate cheese with maggots.

False 5.Karen tasted raw egg.

False 6.She enjoyed staying with her uncle.

False 7.Bill enjoys trying new dishes.

False 8.He burnt his mouth when he ate spicy food.
True False

2.Wybierz prawidłowe odpowiedzi.

1.Oh, no. There isn't (a, much, many) pasta!

2.Why don't you come (far, next, round)to my house tonight?

3.There are (some, any, an) eggs in the basket.

4.Do we need any (potatose, potatoes, potatos) ?

5.Can you buy a (carton, pot, kilo) of milk, please?

6.I had a (loaf, pack, slince) of toast for my breakfast.

7.How (many, much, lot) money have you got?

8.There aren't (many, much, lot)sweets left.

9.Mmm. That (listen, sounds,hears) great!

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Proszę o przetłumaczenie tekstu z niemieckiego na polski dodam że tekst pochodzi z podręcznika der, die das, neu 1 ze strony 35. Tylko chce aby nie było to tłumaczone w całości przez tłumacza internetowego ponieważ mogę robić to sama i tłumaczy od niedokładnie. S; Mit dem Schulbus etwa 35 Minuten - zur Schule nach Heinsberg und zurück. Ich weiß, es dauert lange, aber es ist für mich normal. Die Entfernungen auf dem Lande sind viel größer als in der Stadt.R; Nervt dich nicht der lange Schulweg?S; Manchmal schon, aber ich habe auch die Gelegenheit mich mit meinen Freunden länger zu unterhalten. Sie fahren mit dem gleichen Schulbus.R; Was findest du gut am Landleben?S; Die Natur. Er ist schön, hier spaziren zu gehen Hühner, Gänse und Enten. ich helfe auch gern unseren Nachbarn bei der Ernte oder meinem Onkel in der Bauernkäserei. Bei meinem Onkel kann man Frischkäse, Bauernbutter, Sahne und Käsemolke preiswert kaufen. So bin ich viel an der frischen Luft. Oft gehe ich zu der Windmühle spazieren. Die gehört meinen Tanten Marion und Renate. Ja, man kann hier machen, was man will. Im Sommer fahre ich oft ins Freibad nach Gangelt oder mache Redtouren. man muss nur Ideen haben und das ist ein Problem.R; und was machen deine Freunde ?S; Hier gibt es nicht viele Angebote. Wenn man nicht selber etwas macht und kreativ ist, dann ist es hier langweilig.R; Hast du einen computer zu Hause?S; Ja, wir haben einen Computer, Internet und natürlich Satellitenfernsehen. Jugendliche auf dem land haben fast den gleichen Zugang zu den Informationen wie in der Stadt.

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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