1. Jesteś w Anglii. Wczoraj, gdy wracałaś wieczorem do domu, w autobusie przydarzyła ci się niefortunna przygoda. Powiedz koleżance : - co się zdarzyło w autobusie - jakie były skutki tej przygody - o której godzinie dotarłaś do domu
(może być odp w 3 zdaniach)
Yesterday honor know that me happen when yesterday return meet (face each other) old fairest friend when I it for 12.00 see so be glad outtalk whole night
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Yesterday, when I was in the bus funny thing happened to me. I came inside payed for the ticket as usual and then one guy with a mask on his face and asked me to give my wallet. I didn't know what to do, I was scared I nearly pissed myself. I didn't answer him. I sat down on the chair and waited for my bus stop, then when I got off the bus he laughed at me and took his mask off, it was my friend Patrick. I got home at 7.30pm.