Zrobi mi ktoś emaila na jutro ! Zgubileś coś np telefon -w jakich okolicznościach zgubileś telefon - jaka była reakcja rodziców -jakie problemy mialeś z powodu zgubienia telefonu oczywiście moze być coś innego niż telefon prosze o prawidłowe rozwiązanie!
Hi, John! You will not believe what happened. I lost my phone. My parents were very angry. They shouted at me. I'm not suprised. I was furious too. I don't know how I could let this happen. I could better keep an eye on my the phone. By the fact that I lost my phone, I couldn't call anyone. My parents will buy me the phone only for two weeks. What about You? What interesting adventures recently survived? I'll be wait for your e-mail. Love, xyz
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Dear Mia! How are you? I hope you are very well. Last Monday I lost my mobile phone
You will not believe what happened. I lost my phone. My parents were very angry. They shouted at me. I'm not suprised. I was furious too. I don't know how I could let this happen. I could better keep an eye on my the phone. By the fact that I lost my phone, I couldn't call anyone. My parents will buy me the phone only for two weeks.
What about You? What interesting adventures recently survived? I'll be wait for your e-mail.
How are you? I hope you are very well. Last Monday I lost my mobile phone