Znajdź 6 słów związanych z przetrwaniem w dźungli. Następnie uzupełnij nimi poniższe zdania. T U N R E S C U E C A M P F I R E P S J L P S O U N S D U U T C C G U T F N R N S E U S R U G R T G P I I E T L R I A P D P A O E T L D M E N M S U R V I V A L Q
1.Our g............ explained what we should do if we were separated from him. 2. We stopped at a s................... to drink some water. 3. At night we started a c.............. to keep us warm and safe. 4. The j............... is full of insects, dangerous snakes and tropical plants. 5. Before the safari, they gave us some s................... tips on what to do if we get lost. 6. The search team came to our r................ .