W czasie pobytu w Londynie u angielskich przyjaciół znalazłeś/znalazłaś tymczasowe zatrudnienie jako kelner/ kelnerka. Napisz list do kolegi, w którym: *Poinformujesz, dlaczego jestes w Londynie i co tam robisz
* opisz rodzinę u ktorej sie zatrzymałeś/zatrzymałaś i dlaczego ja lubisz,
* powiesz , jak zwykle spędzasz dni powszednie i weekendy,
* powiesz, co myślisz o Londynie i dlaczego podoba ci się to miasto
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear John,
I haven't written to you since I left Poland. How are you?
Guess what? I went to London two months ago, because my friends invited me for Christmas holidays. Initially I didn't want to stay so long, but something suprising happen. London Theatre answered my email and I was chosen to get free acting lesson. The course lasts 4 months, so I asked my friends to stay longer in their house. They aggreed.
The family I'm living with is really friendly. They are very kind people and they don't mind my staying in their house. In addition, they're very traditional, because they cultivate Christmas customs.
Unfortunately, there's not much time for sighseeing. I have acting lesson and I found a temporary job as a waitress, so I spend whole days in the theathre or pub. So sad, because London is beautiful city with interesting history.
Best wishes,
HI Mark!
How are you? I am writing to you because I would like to tell you about my new job and my friends . I am in London now . I have a lot of friends here so I stayed in London for summer . I found job as a waitress. This job is very hard . I must stay all day on my legs . I must be nice for costumers. I am living now in my firned's home. Her mother and father are very nice and kind. They always help me when I have a problem. I am very happy of that. In my free time I usually go to the disco or I sleep all day becuase I am very tired after work . This town is so beautiful . There is a lot of people. I can meet a lot of new friends. I can see here a lot of moniuments . I love this town . What are you doing in your free time?. I am waiting for you answer . Love XYZ