October 2018 2 32 Report

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Parafrazy zdań !! prosze o pomoc chociaz kilkanascie przykładów ;) z góry dziękuje za pomoc :)) 19. He and his wife don’t enjoy classical music. Neither he 20. Let’s go to the cinema! How about 21. Mary is prettier than her sister. Mary’s sister isn’t 22. Is it necessary for you to write the essay for tomorrow? Do you 23. Nobody helped Ellen to cook this delicious dinner. Ellen cooked 24. Would you like me to bring you something to drink? Shall 25. Aunt Gloria came last March and she is still staying with us. Aunt Gloria. 26. When we arrived, the chief inspector was questioning the clerk. When we arrived, the clerk 27. They ought to stop the hooligans. Hooligans 28. He didn’t study law. That’s why he isn’t a rich man now. If 29. Why are they laughing so loudly?! I wish 30. UNIVERSAL has just released a new science fiction film. A new science fiction film 31. My boyfriend can’t dance. It’s so annoying. I wish 32. I’m not a princess so I can’t marry a prince. If 33. “Can I borrow your car, John?”, asked Brian. Brian asked 34. “I won’t go to that stupid meeting”, said Frank. Frank refused 35. It seems that Janet spends too much time in the pub. Janet 36. I think you should go to bed as soon as possible. You’d 37. Perhaps he speaks English. He might 38. Peter was an excellent cook when he was at college. Peter used 39. They’d prefer to eat something hot, I guess. They’d 40. The criminal escaped before the police arrived. When the police arrived, 41. I regret I didn’t learn languages when I was younger. I wish 42. “I didn’t eat the chocolate”, said Bobby. Bobby claimed 43. They showed me the new exhibition hall. I 44. I saw the show in London. It will be coming to Warsaw. The show 45. What a pity I didn’t know you were coming. If only 46. No one expected the last guest. The last guest 47. “I will never meet Peter again”, said Joan. Joan was sure 48. Everyone must listen to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister 49. You shouldn’t get on his nerves. You’d 50. May I turn down the radio? Do you mind 51. “Where do you come from, John?”, asked Mary. Mary asked 52. I lent Peter my best suit. Peter 53. “Is there another road do Stuttgart?”, asked the tourist. The tourist asked 54. William the Conqueror became King of England. He won the Battle of Hastings in 1066. William the Conqueror, who 55. My father smokes too much. I think he should stop. I wish stop smoking. 56. “There is going to be a storm”, said Joe. Joe said. 57. John didn’t tell me when he was coming back, so I didn’t meet him at the airport. If 58. Charles Edward Stuart landed in Scotland in 1745. His mother was Jan Sobieski’s daughter. Charles Edward Stuart, whose 59. An expert will prepare this test. This test 60. “I ate too much for supper. Now my stomach is upset”, complained Larry. Larry complained that 61. They were cleaning my room when I arrived at the hotel. When I arrived at the hotel, my room 62. The old man is a friend of mine. You are laughing at him. The old man you 63. The dentist is filling her tooth. Her tooth 64. “Don’t leave me now, I’m scared”, begged Mary. Mary 65. It’s a pity I sold my car. I wish 66. “Did the explosion frighten you?” “Were 67. Somebody is ringing up a doctor. A doctor 68. Whispering is rude when you are in company. It 69. John is in love with Agnes. John is only thirteen. John, who 70. Nobody respected Susan. Susan 71. I’m sorry I can’t help him. I wish. 72. “Help me, please”, asked the girl. The girl 73. “Has anyone seen my tennis racket?”, I asked. I wanted to know 74. It is a pity she is such a talkative person. I wish 75. Nobody said anything. Nothing 76. We ought to do something about it. Something 77. I advise you to stop drinking so much. If I 78. They operated on him yesterday. He. 79. A man answered the phone. He said that Tom was out. The man who 80. Peggy lives next door. She is a friend of mine. Peggy, who 81. “Don’t treat these animals so badly”, said Brigitte to the farmer. Brigitte told the farmer 82. Wordsworth lived in the Lake District. Many people consider him a great poet. Wordsworth, whom 83. She showed him in. He 84. Wellington defeated Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo. It was fought in 1815. Napoleon 85. “Don’t buy me any more flowers”, Mary said to John. Mary told. 86. After the manager had signed the letters, his secretary posted them. Before. 87. Stratford is in Warwickshire, Shakespeare was born there. Shakespeare 88. Things in shop-windows always tempt her. She 89. Speaking English with a good accent is difficult. It 90. “Why don’t we go on the roller-coaster?”, I said. I suggested. 91. Nobody spoke to her at the party. She 92. “Shall I help you pack?”, asked Noel. Noel offered 93. “Help! Help!”, cried somebody. Somebody 94. When I was young it was my habit to bathe every night. I 95. It’s a pity I won’t see him during my stay in Warwick. I wish 96. “It’s true, I stole that gold ring”, John Brown said. John Brown admitted 97. I would like everyone to stop fighting. I wish 98. I think you should take an aspirin. You had 99. “May I use your phone?”, he asked me. He asked 100. People believe that prehistoric people lived in trees. Prehistoric people 101. Someone is going to redecorate our living room. We are. 102. “I’m sure Joe Pitt poisoned his wife”, said the inspector. The inspector suspected 103. He never uses dirty language. Never 104. It’s a shame we didn’t apologize to Mary for all that mess. We should 105. It isn’t necessary to pay at once. We 106. They probably stopped to do some shopping. They may. 107. A mechanic has repaired their washing machine. They 108. It was nothing new to him to stand in queues. He was used 109. I’m absolutely sure they didn’t forget to pay. They couldn’t 110. The plane took off although the weather was awful. In spite 111. Help me with this suitcase, please. Would you mind 112. They made Jack cancel all his appointments. Jack 113. I must find somebody to paint this room. I must have 114. Everybody says he is a successful businessman. He 115. Her skirt is too long. Her skirt needs 116. They think he was a very cruel man. He 117. Miriam told the gardener to plant some beautiful roses in the garden. She had 118. They will renew the contract with you. You 119. You didn’t warn me, so I wasn’t more careful. If 120. It was unnecessary to cut down all those trees. The trees 121. I brought my umbrella. It was not necessary. I 122. You ought to have your van serviced. Your van 123. You lied to him, which was wrong. You 124. I haven’t been to the theatre for ages. It’s 125. There are no biscuits left. I am sure Tim ate them. Tim must 126. I had heard that the caves were dangerous. I didn’t want to go any further without a flashlight and some ropes. Having 127. “You mustn’t fish for salmon in the Thames”, the guide informed us. The guide told 128. I knew that the criminal was still at large. I was extremely reluctant to be alone at night. Knowing 129. It is expected that he will lecture on this subject next month. He 130. She washed her woolen jumper in hot water and it shrank. She shouldn’t 131. “Shall I ever understand women?”, he asked himself. He asked himself 132. It wasn’t necessary for me to run as fast as I did. I 133. I don’t want to go for a walk. I don’t feel 134. This mansion was almost certainly built before 1800. This mansion must 135. It is possible that you left your scarf on the train. You may 136. Getting up early is much more difficult than going to bed late. It 137. They must have cancelled the meeting. The meeting 138. Our mother usually gets up first and goes to bed last. Our mother is 139. As Jim gets older, he becomes more and more forgetful. The 140. He tried the other door but found that it was locked as well. He tried the other door only

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