1.zapytaj babcie jakie programy ogląda najczęściej w telewizji. 2.Zapytaj o której godzinie jest emitowany ten film. 3.zapytaj koleżankę o której najczęściej włącza i wyłącza telewizor. 4.dowiedz się jaki interesujący artykuł przeczytała ostatnio i dlaczego ją zainteresował. 5.Zapytaj mamy jaki jest tytuł pierwszej książki która przeczytała. 6.zapytaj tatę jaki jest jego ulubiony pisarz.
1.Grandma...Which programs you watch most often? 2.About which hour this film is issued? 3.About which hour you most often include and exclude your TV? 4.Which interesting article you read and why it has interested you? 5.Mum..which is title of your first read book? 6.Dad..which is your favourite writer?
Mam nadzieje że pomogłem :)
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1. Hi grandma, what programs do you often watch? lub: Hi grandma, what are your favourite programs?
2. What time is film? lub: When is emitted film in tv?
3. Hi! What time do you often turn on and turn of TV?
4. Which interesting artiqle did you read last time and why it interested you?
5. Hi mum! What is the first tittle of book which you read [czyt.red]?
6. Dad please tell me, who is your favourite writer?
2.About which hour this film is issued?
3.About which hour you most often include and exclude your TV?
4.Which interesting article you read and why it has interested you?
5.Mum..which is title of your first read book?
6.Dad..which is your favourite writer?
Mam nadzieje że pomogłem :)
Hi grandma, what are your favourite programs?
2. What time is film? lub:
When is emitted film in tv?
3. Hi! What time do you often turn on and turn of TV?
4. Which interesting artiqle did you read last time and why it interested you?
5. Hi mum! What is the first tittle of book which you read [czyt.red]?
6. Dad please tell me, who is your favourite writer?